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Which safety glasses for 100mW 532nm laser?

Feb 21, 2013
So ive caught the laser bug......girlfriend bought me a cheap green laser off amazon, says 1mW but after reading posts here im guessing the specs are way off. anyways, i just bought a LZSK - Stick 532nm 100mW Focusable Green Laser and now im looking to buy some safety goggles so i can use it when it arrives (dont want to be dumb and use it prior to owning safety equipment)

Found a few on ebay but im not sure if they are junk or good and when it comes to my eyes i dont want to mess around so i need advice.

Protective 532nm Anti Laser Tinted Safety Glasses with Free Protective Case | eBay

Stylish Laser Safety Glasses w Protective Case 532nm | eBay

since im in the US, id prefer US sellers but if they are international and ship quickly then those would work as well. im not dead set on either of the ones i posted so if you know of better glasses please let me know about them

any advice you can give would be great, ive read a few threads about various glasses but all this info was overload so im sorry if you've already answered this question and i either didnt see it in my search or if i didnt grasp what you were saying.
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I did see someones review of those and was about to buy them but then saw something about a formula change and making them kinda useless for lack of a better term. when did you get yours and have you heard about the formula change or anything?

So another thing im considering is getting either a 445nm or 405nm and was wondering how those glasses worked with these wavelengths? if they work for all three wavelengths then i might order a few pairs. if not are there any good glasses that will cover all those wavelengths?

EDIT #2:
After reading threads non-stop for the last 5 hours i think ive narrowed it down to two glasses based on many many many reviews

Eagle Pair 190-540nm

Uvex pair above ^^^^^

Okay so ive read a few reviews on the Uvex and i still have mixed opinions. from what i got they are great for 405 and 445's but not so good for the 532's due to IR. the two people who reviewed the laser i got said they had 6mw and 12mw of IR. now will the Uvex filter IR or no, i believe based on my findings its a no but someone correct me if im wrong. now the Eagle Pair says can look directly into a 10mw and reduce light factor by 10,000 so im guessing the 10,000 reduction is for reflections and not directly looking at beam.

if the Uvex is sufficient ill grab a few pairs of those but if they arent good for 532's then ill go for the eagle pair but would investing in a few pairs of uvex be good for friends if they come over and want to see the laser?
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