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FrozenGate by Avery

Which is the best company?

Oct 7, 2007
Hello there. I am brand new to lasers (and to the forum) and even though this has probably been posted like a trillion times, What is the best company to buy lasers from?

What is the best company to buy cars from? Best company to buy insurance from? etc.

Sometimes there are just too many variables to give a straight and simple answer.
Thanks for the answers. Also, i guess I meant which company sells good, quality lasers that are powerful and not too expensive (deal extreme seems like they sell good cheap lasers). :)
dealextreme sells lasers at great prices, but i've heard of many of them dieing prematurely, or not having great output, it's a bit of a gamble as part of the reason for the very low prices is that they're very cheaply made. nova lasers is great for cheap *good quality* lasers, with their X series (even better with the 5% LPF discount). if you end up going higher end, optotronics and laserglow both have great reputations and great lasers, laserglow always seems a bit pricey to me, though they do seem to have a greater range of stuff. welcome to LPF, anyway! :)
If you are wanting a laser from 15-125mW, about everybody here is going to tell you to go to Novalasers.com. I have the 105mW version of the X series from them and it is a great laser, they have a reputation of sending out overspec lasers!
