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FrozenGate by Avery

Where to buy Meredith lens?

Nov 17, 2009
Hey anyone know what sites sell that Meredith lens, that increases power by 20% or something. I searched for it on the threads, but was unsuccessful. I just need to know the sites/site that sells them. Thanks!

Hey anyone know what sites sell that Meredith lens, that increases power by 20% or something. I searched for it on the threads, but was unsuccessful. I just need to know the sites/site that sells them. Thanks!

Jayrob made the Merideth to aiXiz adapter. However, Merideth isn't selling that lens any more. Jayrob found a replacement for them. See the link


In order to use the newer Merideth lens you would need to use the Merideth module as well. The Merideth lens will not fit into an aiXiz module.

Meredith Instruments

Thanks for the plug Dave! :)

creanzworld17, one of the reasons that I made a 'fit for AixiZ' modification for Meredith in the first place, is because the Meredith moudule (although the lens threads are nice), does not offer as good heatsinking properties as the AixiZ module. With the Meredith, the diode is only held against the module with spring tension, where as the AixiZ module is a pressed in diode, and much better heat transfer.

But also, because there are certain builds (like the awesome Kryton's), that can only take an AixiZ threaded lens. Plus the fact that there are a ton of existing AixiZ red builds already out there that can now have the best lens for red! Which is now my 650-G-1 glass lens mod! :cool:
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