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What should I get for my first laser?


Oct 20, 2013
Hello everyone.

I'm quite interested in adding lasers to my collection of hobbies, and from what I've seen so far, there are many lasers and there are a lot that are not meant for beginners...

I really want a laser that has a visible beam (Preferably Green or Red) and can burn things, but I have no idea where to start.

Can anyone give me any leads for good websites, companies, and varieties of lasers that are good for beginners like me?

Thank you!


JetLaser's has some exceptionally great lasers for a great price!

532nm of 100mW(Lowest Output) would be about $129 for the Equaliy series and $160 for the PL-E Pro series.

Hope you are aware of the danger's with lasers ;)
I consider myself to be quite responsible. I am prepared to take all safety precautions.
I consider myself to be quite responsible. I am prepared to take all safety precautions.

Alright good!

And if you want a laser with a visible beam/can easily burn....Dosen't exist :yabbem:

But the closest you can get to it is a 445nm laser :yh:

Those can be had at high powers for a low price.
Oh they exist and I have a bunch!!!!!!
Contact user Blord he's got what you need

Anything more than 1w 445nm will be very visible beam and burn quite nicely.
I've been looking at the Arctic Spider III. Is it good?
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Yeah man. Don't do it. Laserbtb, dragon lasers, jetlasers, sci fi lasers, CNi , opt ironies, olike,

Try some of those.

Bt if you want a 445 nm blue laser, you will hate yourself if you don't get one from Blord.

1.2w 445 nm for $100
Best quality around.
Also daguin builds awesome 445 and is in the states
Apexproxy has great deals too.

I would buy from a member way before a company.
Good to know! The reviews tell otherwise, but I have trust in this forum.
Blord built me a 3595mw 445 nm that is just amazing.

And the photon wizard himself daguin is building my black Zaser.

Very skilled builders and you would be supporting the forum.

Those companies will keep you waiting forever and you don't know if your going to be happy with it until it gets there weeks later.

The companies I listed are great, but nothing competes with forum lasers. And almost everyone here will agree with me. Scratch that .......everyone would
I would recommend a 5mw 532nm pen style, although it won't "burn" you will have a visible beam at night. If you want to a laser to "burn" you will need one that is focusable at least 50mw of 532nm. If green is what you want.

You can get a 200mw 650nm for fairly cheap and will "smoke" most dark things, but the beam won't be as visible as green(532nm).
I like blords builds, but come on blord is not the only good person to buy from. As it lands safety is the problem. Pretty much the instant your burner reaches your retina you'll loose your vision ever so gently until only one eye is giving you vision. So please get a nice pair of goggles. Besides that enjoy your new addiction.
Very good choice for a nice green starter. Won't do much in the burning area but the beam will be nice.

And I did recommend other builders such as daguin , apex proxy, there's also , herunotsurugi , just to name a few. I didn't only recommend Blord at all.

Sci fi lasers has 100 mw green for $50 will make a fantastic beam at night to indoor day.
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Looks like a good laser to me! The only negative review I have seen was that it didn't ship with AAA Batteries :)
the beam was probably impressive because of fogger. you could try ebay. some of them may even be able to burn
