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FrozenGate by Avery

Weird Spots

Apr 24, 2013
Hey, I recently purchased this laser a week ago. and i started to notice when using the focus these weird "spots" would show up. I searched everywhere on this forum I apologize if i missed the answer I was looking for.

I tried cleaning the lens a hundred times but no matter what these "spots" remain.

Is this common and i should just forget about them? Or is there a quick fix to it.

Its a Ti-B laser so I am not sure about taking it apart so I only have access to the front lens.

Thanks again for any help!


what is the power of the laser? if the dot moves when you focus it it may be a small defect in the lenses or diode.. also where did you buy it? quality is greatly determined by where you buy it
Its a Jet Laser. Shouldnt be an issue of quality. Id also second a lens defect or dirt on the lens.
Its a 150mw Ti-B. Now since its only showing when I tighten or loosen the focus lens should it be easy to fix on my own? Or should I contact Jetlasers and see if I can get a replacement.

Unfortunately I can only get to one side of the lens to clean. However Ive taken every step to carefully clean the one side I can.

Is it possible to remove the focus lens on a Ti-B?
Im not familiar with that model. I would contact them and see what they suggest to do they have excellent customer service.
if your not good with working on lasers its likely you taking it apart could make it worse.. it certainly would void a warranty. but contacting them would be the best first step.
Thanks for the help guys, just shot a message to Hak. He is the one who helped me purchase and buy it, so hopefully he can point me into the direction of fixing it. Its sure a beautiful laser shame to have a tiny defect just ruin the hole thing.
if your not good with working on lasers its likely you taking it apart could make it worse.. it certainly would void a warranty. but contacting them would be the best first step.

Thats what I thought too, but I am very good with my hands and have worked on things of that nature. Only reason I thought about it is because it seems to just be that front lens and who knows maybe a little dust just got on the backside of the lens causing it to do that. Which would be easy to just wipe away and reassemble.
since i hear they have good customer service id say send them an email and see what they say.. then operate on it if you feel confident to do so ..
I now have his laser here with me. i have seen many dozens and perfection is not the rule it is the exception. I fail to see much of what has been described as the problem-
ANDthe two 'dots' to the side of the laser spot have 'left the building' they are not there now.

PERHAPS those are the two moons of your anus. :na:oops I mean urainus.

J/K -:wave:

this one looks as good or better than any I have here. I have taken pics and posted them in our GB thread. I have examined the front of the IR filter- which BTW should always be cleaned is a safe manner. you can/could take the laser apart and clean the back side but that may not solve the 'issues' but would also void the warranty.

To date there have been no similiar issues raised. In other words all other owners are Ok with theirs. This would be the very first one returned for a function related issue. There was one other returned because of slight imperfections on the knurling of the side- This was missed by me on the initial inspection but was seen when looking with magnification and in a side by side comparison to another Ti-B. it was replaced completely free of charge.

If anyone needs more info about the warranty or return/repair policies you can read all at JL.org-I have also posted most of this at J.O.G..


Okay I just now turned the focus and I do see the two 'dots' they are for sureUCH less than 1 mW in power- they are not there at all in most of the focus settings- there are to me even fainter than what we see in the OPs pic.

Personaly if this were my laser I would have n/p just ignoring them- the fact that they appear and then dissapears may indicate what the cause of these is or what it is NOT.
I will be happy to send another Ti-B with about the same output and I would wager that if and when I sell it the next owner would either never notice these or would not care if they did. They can be made to vanish with a small adjustment to the focus ring. -

btw the owner did not ask me If he could return it--- I asked him to do that.. --

When I hold ths laser by the focus ring and then rotate the body the spots move with the turning and go in and out of view- I am not 100% sure but i think they spots are NOT created by the IR filter beng dirty but may be due to some reflections of the cavity between the filter and the front of the DPSS laser.

When I focus to the smallest 'dot' on my ceiling the 'extra' spots are not there. Thus IMO ...you would not see them when using under most circumstances. Nor would you see them unless the laser is shined on a white surface and then only if the focus is adjusted to show them.

At the worst they are barely visible, extremely faint.
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Maybe those spots are an artifact of the lens on the camera that took the picture? You know like how when viewing the sun you get those odd circles of varying size.
PERHAPS those are the two moons of your anus. :na:oops I mean urainus.

I Did take this into consideration but those light dots still appeared after a full motion of dancing with extra butt wiggle :D

Maybe those spots are an artifact of the lens on the camera that took the picture? You know like how when viewing the sun you get those odd circles of varying size.

Possible, but extremely unlikely. For the reason those dots were still there without viewing it in the camera. And was visible for other people as well, without the camera.

At the worst they are barely visible, extremely faint.

That is what i thought, I knew it was nothing harmful it seemed so minor I figured id take advantage of it and have you take a look at it.
its the laser not the camera-as you turn the focus the come and go=& not always the same exact size spots but all in about the same location as the pic in the OP.

If you focus it to the place where the two 'dots' are the brightest you can almost make them disappear with a slight sideways pressure on the front part. Kinda flexing the mechanism a little. very weird- maybe spiders from Mars??
@ Speedy "Maybe those spots are an artifact of the lens on the camera that took the picture? You know like how when viewing the sun you get those odd circles of varying size."

good thinking as they do look little like that- but i see them w/o a Camera so we will rule that out.

So at least I now have a new test to do on all focusable lasers before re-shipping. TY for that..

this calls for a lenserectomy- can only be done in a clean room under clinical conditions.
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this calls for a lenserectomy- can only be done in a clean room under clinical conditions.

Lets have a moment in silence for the little guy :(, may he heal nicely or find a home that can respect his flaws and learn to love him.

I think at $99 a new home will be found- sending back to Gray in China is not cost effective. but I do hope we can learn the cause of 'spotitis' and a cure as well.

The fact that these faint extra spots come and go while turning the focus ring but do not move should tell the right expert the cause or at least rule out some possible causes. I will be checking for these in all the Ti-B inventory I have here and also looking for these in all lasers from this point on.

Hmm. I have always thought that titanium looked sweet. I have to many greens though! I wish I knew what the internals looked like. Id void a warranty to put a 520 in it :)
