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Video to ILDA - LaserCam


New member
Sep 29, 2019
I found LaserCam from innolasers.com. I wrote them an email but I didn't get any answer from days!

Does anyone of you know an alternative to LaserCam that convert a webcam video input to ILDA?

Thank you!

If you just want to convert an image to ILDA maybe convert it to a trace bitmap in gimp or something then use this to convert to ILDA: https://pangolin.com/pages/quickshow

I'd assume that converting webcam footage to ILDA in realtime would be quite CPU intensive
Pangolin QuickShow has QuickTrace and more..recent price drop makes it more affordable.

LaserCam/LSX from innolasers.com --is drlava. He is brilliant ,friendly, helpful and an asset to all of us.......sadly he has not always been the most reliable member when it comes to biz.
IMHO that is not all his fault. He always has a lot going on. But afaik he always follows thru in time.

Many have taken this personally BUT-- after some time after meeting him..I felt very differently. When I met him at SELEM I was treated like an old friend.. I had one of his early pointer builds that failed.. I did not ask him for a fix--at best I was going to ask him to take it home after SELEM and send it to me once fixed.

Instead he took it then and in a very short time he had found someone there with an iron and repaired it. BAM!

did you search ' LaserCam/LSX from innolasers.com '?
Lava set up a PJ at SELEM with Lazcam ATM it was very new.

He used one of my LKPD2s-- I was honored.

until you really know him--do not judge--

I suggest you get with Swammi- another first class member very familiar with LaserCam-- and a wiz at many things laser. When Lava did one of his first LSX presentations Swammi was on the PJ.

I saw him & Lava at most if not all the SELEMs I attended (5 in a row)--

Thank you 'buffo' for running SELEM and giving us a chance to meet in person many awesome folks.....I hope SELEM 14 happens in Aug or soon after... If at all possible YOU should do SELEM (in N.C.) at least one time--there will be no regrets......hk
