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FrozenGate by Avery

Veteran member spam reduction.

Jan 29, 2014
Suggestion: Give more veterans the ability to put spam messages in an approval mode before they can be seen again.

Coonie, I liked that post, it shows me something, thank you. One of the reasons Avery invested the money into this software is because it can be tailored more than what we had before, I am willing to help fund the cost of having someone program the site to help reduce spam, we have moderators working hours and hours deleting spam, think of them bro., your response isn't taking them into account and assumes everyone thinks like you do on this, we don't, Diachi might, but most of us would like a solution to the spam problem.
There will never be a solution to spam and trolling. It's just one of the inevitabilities and I know the mods can have it rough at times but they all do. It will always be a continual fight but I don't believe that veterans or any member who isn't considered for mod status should have these kinds of abilities. Generally speaking each mod should be chosen that have proved they are capable of handling situations with a neutral stand. Not everyone can meet that requirement and tbh not all mods do either but that's besides the point.
In short I don't think that kind of ability should be for regular members including veterans (especially when the only requirement to be a veteran is post count rather than based on moral standards).
I totally get your point and yes the spam can get annoying but you can help the mods do their jobs by reporting. This limits their work effort on searching for it. I think this is the best solution.
What defines spam then? What happens when a veteran abuses this ability? You might end up with something far more than just typical spam which happens everywhere in our lives. It's simple fact. We are bombarded by advertisements in every aspect of our lives in addition to a-holes at our workplaces and recreational areas. It's no different online other than you cannot see their faces.
I have nothing against you or anyone here but this is starting to sound obsessive on your end. You must reconsider just shrugging this stuff off.
Your avatar even symbolizes that good cannot exist without evil. Our world is a combination of both good and bad and the chinese created that symbol to reflect this belief.
Please note that he deleted a few posts when it appeared he took it personal. I did not intend to upset anyone.
I agree the spam is a problem, but Coonie is right. Power to moderate/hide posts should be reserved to a small neutral party.

Say some legitimate member joins, somehow makes me mad and I decide to hide all their posts with the approval process. How is the new member going to respond? Will they even want to stay?
You do not believe a long time veteran can tell the difference between spam and someones post? I have full faith in many members here to know the difference and not abuse that function, if someone did, they loose the ability to do so, and quickly, guaranteed. We can live with spam, sure, ignore it..... but the problem will persist, what are your ideas to help mitigate individuals abusing the forum with spam? I do not believe some veterans would abuse this kind of function any more than the moderators do now, there is nothing special about these people other than their dedication to the forum, why not add another few members as janitors, not as moderators, but as moderator helpers to put clear cut spam into a waiting status to be approved or deleted by a full moderator?

If you are fearful about this idea, how about letting more long term veterans in good status become full moderators to help keep the spam grass cut down? What would be the real difference? None. Again, I am not volunteering and would refuse, Jay would be back with more of his sick Gif artwork as well as Steve ramping up more of his BS, guaranteed, if I were, so no thank you.
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@Alaskan. You make valid points, as does Coonie. The more obstacles you put in the spammers way, the better athlete they become. When I was a Mod we implemented the approval system which put a huge workload on us... Even that didn't stop them. Then only true solution I believe is to make it a pay to join site, but that would virtually kill of new signups.

Well, I don't think more mods willing to delete spam would make LPF worse, maybe a first post moderation approval process? I don't think we will defeat it, but would not be too difficult to slow them down, even if only sub-moderators with only the ability to put spam into a hold status would help.

I'm willing to be a part of the forum regardless, not so terrible, the mods are doing a good job, but many members don't see all of the work they put into the forum to do so, far more than most people see. I am looking out for them more than myself on this issue, so what ever you all want to agree with or not, adding my own suggestions. How much do I hope for such to happen? 99% unlikely, holding out for that one percent chance! Maybe Diachi and Coonie can be made mods? But they are against this idea, so I suppose not.
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This thread seems to be feeding the spams??
Nothing against you Alaskan:):) at all, you just spoke of a suggestion. but its' strange that there's 12 new ones in a rowo_O
Probably a coincidence as they do come pretty regular.. :unsure:
Are we sure these aren't paying adds to the forum?
More likely mods worn out, I see them come in large numbers during the night, often cleaned up by AD before you guys start your day.
A simple anti-spam filter that rejects/doesn't allow any threads that have a URL in the thread Title would solve the 99% recent spam problem.
Am certain it is possible to do for an Admin.
PM Avery about enabling same. There are several threads on the XenForo community forum that say how to do this.
I PMed Avery but did not get a response. Not sure he is around and saw it yet.
Would help if others chimed in with PMs I would think.
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That would help a lot, at least turn it on for new members so they cannot post spam links, but of course, they could still post text alone without links. There is no real 100% solution, but I am 100% for trying to tighten things up.
We talked about that back in the day, it would screw up the adverts & advertisers.
Back then there was no way to enable this feature for certain groups of members, it was all or nothing.

That may have changed by now of course.

