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USB rechageable laser

Sep 30, 2015
So i am wondering if there is anyone out there that sells either hosts or lasers that are rechargable with out having to take out the batteries preferably by micro usb.

I've seen some usb rechargeable lasers, but they weren't exactly of good quality. I think it won't be all that hard to make one yourself.
i think the hardest part for me would be figuring out how to run the circutry and mount the port.
You can always ask around. We have quite a few members here that know a thing or two about electronics. Might want to PM people first instead of making a thread if you don't have a specific question though.
It's not a very common feature, but would not be that difficult to add to any laser that runs of a single lithium cell since usb charger boards are so readily available.

I guess most manufacturers choose not to implement it though, and require you to put the battery in a charger between runs. Then again you could get a usb powered charger to solve the problem to some degree, though it will take quite some time to charge a proper 18650 cell from a usb port.
I know laserpointerpro sells some that can be recharged through USB. They are cheap but don't expect to get anywhere near the advertised power. I can't really recommend them
I guess it's not worth compromising on output for the usb functionality though.

USB charging could be added to any DIY laser host that has a little room for the circuitry, and some method of fitting a micro-b-usb port. The latter might be problematic since the connector is an odd shape that would be difficult to machine out.

Another option would be to do a cylindrical connector with a cable that has a connector that fits to that on one end, and a standard usb connector on the other. The actual usb to lithium charging circuitry is very cheap - the sort of thing you can find for $0.99 shipped on ebay.
It's actually easy to build. Just add a TP4056 to the 3.7V and GND of your batteries and then you can easily recharge them with a Mini-USB port.

But this only works for Li-Ion batteries (18350/18650) with ~3.7V, and with only one batterie at once. (There might be other ways to recharge 2 batteries at once too, but I don't know them)
But this only works for Li-Ion batteries (18350/18650) with ~3.7V, and with only one batterie at once. (There might be other ways to recharge 2 batteries at once too, but I don't know them)

the latter is more difficult because it will need a voltage equalizer to balance out the cells. The easiest way I can think of is to place a 4.2V clamp regulator across each cell. If it was me, I would probably implement something like a bq29200 or bq29209 and skip the guesswork
