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FrozenGate by Avery


Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

holy huge pics lol Did you message a mod about the other thread?
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

hate to kill your joy but good luck getting a 5 min duty cycle.. Its not going to happen without causing damage!
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Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

hate to kill your joy but good luck getting a 5 min duty cycle.. Its not going to happen without causing damage!

I know I won't be turning it on for that long.. Except in emergencys. I seen DTR do it all the time in his reviews most of them are over a min. But won't risk that
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

True but he isn't doing it in a handheld host! He's doing it with a huge heatsink with a fan on the back of it. Or he's using the XYZ mount! Big big difference bud
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

True but he isn't doing it in a handheld host! He's doing it with a huge heatsink with a fan on the back of it. Or he's using the XYZ mount! Big big difference bud

Ok I will start building right now. As soon as it done I will go outside and shine it (not at airplanes) lol I haven't got my safety glasses so I'm a bit worried about using it inside..
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Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

Good luck bud. :) take it slow* What diode are you using?
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Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

I'd like to see Ehgemus do more copper tops! Oh, by the way, you CAN run it outside for five minutes straight, I bet 20 minutes without over heating.... if you do it where I live in January.
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

I'd like to see Ehgemus do more copper tops! Oh, by the way, you CAN run it outside for five minutes straight, I bet 20 minutes without over heating.... if you do it where I live in January.

Damn! 20mins. If that's the problem I would just bring an ice pack with me the whole time.:beer:
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

Ha, ice, unless dry ice, won't do -20 F in room temperature.
Re: Custom Ehgemus Host With Copper Heatsink

Ha, ice, unless dry ice, won't do -20 F in room temperature.

Alright, 5 min still good enough? Do you know where I can get a M140 445nm in copper module w/x-drive installed? I know DTR uses PayPal but PayPal won't approve my payment
