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UK laser laws - regarding unterminated beams in the sky

Jan 30, 2014
Does anybody have *accurate*, *verifiable* information about the rules/law(s) surrounding laser shows / lasers being pointed in the sky in the UK? I am aware that laser shows require you to submit a document to the CAA per their website https://www.caa.co.uk/Consumers/Displays-and-events/Displays-and-events/ - but this appears to be a "let us know about it", not a "wait for permission"... which in itself is slightly confusing. Again, looking for verifiable information, not speculation here, if anyone more experienced than me can comment that would be appreciated.

I can help
Let me pass this on to a show company owner over there for you..
Many more at the 'other' forum BTW...

that would be where I would ask this...
Yes, Photon Lexicon would be the forum to check on this about. They have many laser show producers there.
Sent UK lasershow guy 'Norty' your question over 'there'. If he cannot help I am sure he will steer you in the right direction.
of note-- the FAA here in the States has relaxed somewhat their regs for outdoor shows. IIRC if all beams are terminated is no longer so hard to do all the paperwork.

Sounds a lot like a reactionary thing the government is trying to do there. One person claimed to be flash blinded while flying a helicopter without incident, and kids are blinding themselves on the order of 150 out of all the kids in the UK. Kids shouldn't have lasers in the first place. That should be the response. But, people are stupid and they will hurt themselves regardless of what laws are put in place to hinder that.
Sounds a lot like a reactionary thing the government is trying to do there. One person claimed to be flash blinded while flying a helicopter without incident, and kids are blinding themselves on the order of 150 out of all the kids in the UK. Kids shouldn't have lasers in the first place. That should be the response. But, people are stupid and they will hurt themselves regardless of what laws are put in place to hinder that.

Interesting questions UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy are asking to be answered in the call for evidence with answers in by 6 October see: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/637087/Call_for_Evidence_Lasers_PDF.pdf
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