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FrozenGate by Avery

uk feeler.. Batteries bits and bobs..

Sep 25, 2013
Hey wonderful peoples.
Ive been looking online at a few things and was wondering of any one in the uk was interested in teaming up to buy a few necessaries in bulk?
Batteries, diodes,drivers, hosts or anything really.
especially lasers...
Let me know and I will try and find us all the best deals so we can all benefit.

If we get enough people together we could potential save many £££,s.
Although I said UK anybody is welcome to ask for stuff but I can't ship batteries outside the UK... they won't let me.

But anything else is fine.

I MAY have a few lasers for sale soon... big emphasis on the may. But stay tuned for more info on that.... however if anyone wants something building gimme a nudge and I'll see what I can do.. ;)

And that's all folks.
Thanks for reading.
Peace and lasers people!


^ It's basically the same about Aus... But Major, I LOVE your avatar :)
That's a good deal there man..Although I have no experience of dhgate. But that's the sort of deal we are looking for. Is anybody interested in investing in some?
If the interest picks up, I'd love to be a part of that gb haha :)
^ It's basically the same about Aus... But Major, I LOVE your avatar :)
It is the same in Australia but you would think we would get together a bit more at least in the forum but it doesn't happen, we are a very big country obviously.
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