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UFO Sightings

What do you think the "UFOs" actually are?

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Ears and Eggs

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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
With the official US government report on UFO sightings to be released soon, was wondering what everyone thought these sightings really are.

Also a very interesting discussion about the phenomenon.

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I had always thought it was experimental tech from the government or something from someone with a ton of money
I voted other, simply because I don't believe the answer to be clear cut as just one of those options.
The term 'UFO' can apply to all of the above options.
And as for my own personal opinion, I also believe that more than one of those options is genuinely to blame for the phenomena. It is not one or the other.
I believe a small proportion are genuine extra-terrestrial craft (either manned/unmanned), some are experimental aircraft based on extra-terrestrial tech and scientific knowledge/advancements that aren't public knowledge. The other theory is that the tech may be terrestrial but not based on the present. Time travelling earth settlers whether human or another race. I always find it interesting how UFO's are often present surrounding key military sites where nuclear armament is present, and at places of both recent natural disasters and other key moments of time, and sometimes even just beforehand.

We all know that natural phenomena, flaws in perception, whether digital or natural can be to blame for some sightings. Fraud and deception unfortunately make up for a lot of so called sightings. I believe our own world governments may play on our willingness to accept things at face value. However it doesn't distract me from the fact that I genuinely believe we have had cases of extra-terrestrial visitation. Just what the percentage is out of all the cases, I wouldn't like to put a number on it.
I have a tendency to think that there are absolutely other intelligent civilisations out there, it's ridiculous to think we're alone in this universe.

However, to think that they would use their insane technology to come to earth, skim around our atmosphere for half an hour, out at sea, then disappear again without making contact is a bit nuts.

The video that provides the screenshot for the one in the first post is almost certainly just optical artefacts, it never changes until the camera refocuses and then suddenly it's shape is the same but orientation is different. Yea, that's just junk on the lens.
I think it's highly unlikely that extraterrestrial life would have the means or the desire to waste resources coming here, but, if they do, it's likely similar to how the Brazilian and Indian governments deal with uncontacted jungle people by just flying overhead to observe from afar.

If any of the UFO sightings are extraterrestrials, likely they are very few and far between, and most (if not all) of the sightings fall into one of the other categories.

I think we have seen from the past that a lot of UFO sightings are, in fact, technological/military testing. I think we have seen examples that were definitively proven to be natural phenomena. Personally, I'm convinced that at least some of these UFO sightings are optical artifacts, even if they haven't necessarily been proven to be so with certainty. So I voted all three of those. The rest I'm not very certain about.
I think there are aliens. I also think that they would consider the human race unremarkable and a minor curiosity at best. There are no resources on this planet that are not easily available elsewhere in the solar system and in the galaxy. Further, human beings are far too high maintenance to make adequate extraterrestrial slaves. We have a limited temperature range, we need food, oxygen, sanitation etc. We may be the subject of an "Animal Planet" documentary.
let it be just a reminder that UFO stands for UnidentifiedFlyingObject, not UhFuckObjectfromaliens?
Fund me and I'll show you. I'll even give you all the rights and blue prints, But I keep the craft assembled, because I'm leaving. My conditions. It won't be cheap, I promise that.
All of the above i answered. I agree with others that posted i believe that theres aliens but i doubt they would invest the incredible amounts of time effort energy and resources to come to our planet just to play peekaboo. My theory is what we typically refer to as aliens are either our own species traveling back from the future or some sort of extra dimensional beings that exist in the same physical space but on a level dimension or wavelengths or whatever that we cannot yet measure/have yet to discover or understand
Although I'd never say never, I doubt any of these current sightings are alien craft. My first guess would be secret human technology and probably some are glitches/natural phenomenon. Some could well be Russian or Chinese advanced drones, which could also be big issue if potential adversaries have achieved some major technological breakthrough. So we really should try to investigate this as much as possible.

On the other hand I think it's 95% chance that there are aliens out there, at least somewhere. So many things need to have to come together though for technological life to form, I suspect it's gonna be so rare we might be searching for thousands of years. On the other hand I think we are going to find microbial life all over the place, but anything more than that will take some really luck or time. Intelligent, technological life could easily be as rare as only a handful per galaxy, and it wouldn't even surprise me if it's only one per handful of galaxies. In the latter case we might never know for sure.
Although I'd never say never, I doubt any of these current sightings are alien craft. My first guess would be secret human technology and probably some are glitches/natural phenomenon. Some could well be Russian or Chinese advanced drones, which could also be big issue if potential adversaries have achieved some major technological breakthrough. So we really should try to investigate this as much as possible.

On the other hand I think it's 95% chance that there are aliens out there, at least somewhere. So many things need to have to come together though for technological life to form, I suspect it's gonna be so rare we might be searching for thousands of years. On the other hand I think we are going to find microbial life all over the place, but anything more than that will take some really luck or time. Intelligent, technological life could easily be as rare as only a handful per galaxy, and it wouldn't even surprise me if it's only one per handful of galaxies. In the latter case we might never know for sure.
The info to build a craft is easily obtainable by looking up patents and following propulsion systems. A few systems thought of as advanced tech, has been used for years for other things. One of them we use all over the world, they just scaled it up, and a Japanese university professor proved ( before anyone knew) that the tech is very viable. Soon after governments began working on it, and the projects disappeared.... Simple technology, enhanced with computers, to create a propulsion system. Who knew an ozone machine could be turned into a propulsion system for air and space craft. Not to mention many many other systems out there. One of them nasa said was bs, yet they are in talks with the creator to use them on satellites.... Hmmmm. Sounds like nasa is full of crap. Works on the principal of action /reaction. The reaction has a finite time before it comes into effect. It is not in fact instantaneous. So the creator designed a system for slow light movements, like what a satellite would use, to make a propulsion system. So many more systems out there which can be utilized.
I voted other, simply because I don't believe the answer to be clear cut as just one of those options.
The term 'UFO' can apply to all of the above options.
And as for my own personal opinion, I also believe that more than one of those options is genuinely to blame for the phenomena. It is not one or the other.
I believe a small proportion are genuine extra-terrestrial craft (either manned/unmanned), some are experimental aircraft based on extra-terrestrial tech and scientific knowledge/advancements that aren't public knowledge. The other theory is that the tech may be terrestrial but not based on the present. Time travelling earth settlers whether human or another race. I always find it interesting how UFO's are often present surrounding key military sites where nuclear armament is present, and at places of both recent natural disasters and other key moments of time, and sometimes even just beforehand.

We all know that natural phenomena, flaws in perception, whether digital or natural can be to blame for some sightings. Fraud and deception unfortunately make up for a lot of so called sightings. I believe our own world governments may play on our willingness to accept things at face value. However it doesn't distract me from the fact that I genuinely believe we have had cases of extra-terrestrial visitation. Just what the percentage is out of all the cases, I wouldn't like to put a number on it.

I've been busy and haven't been on in awhile, but this is an interesting subject. I ran across a list of all reported sightings back to, like, the 1930's, and noticed an interesting pattern. Every year sightings increased exponentially right before the summer solstice. And I do mean EXPONENTIALLY. There would be, say, 10-15 sightings a month all year, then jump to 50, 60, 80, and more, monthly sightings as the solstice approached. Of course, these numbers climbed as the years went on, up to around the 1990's. The numbers grew to just under a hundred or so a month, to a thousand or more around solstice. This was a worldwide list btw. I don't really know what to make of it, and I imply nothing, but the pattern was definitely there. I'm going to have to see if I can find that list again.

That said....I agree with you. Some of them, I think, are not necessarily extra-terrestrial but maybe extra-dimensional. Very possibly terrestrial, but not from this frequency. Where you say "time-travelling" I propose "frequency-hopping". There are alot of things about "the creation" that are not widely known, but are completely experience-able by our bio-machine (they're a marvelous bit of tech, our bodies). But, I think a good portion of them, especially from about the mid-1950's on, are definitely our technology or, at least stuff that exists here and now. I also think that some of them are not technology at all, but consist of pure energy, no physical material at all. But, that's a whole different beastie that maybe deserves it's own thread.

Anyways, I could talk for days about this stuff, but I'm gonna knock it off now. Infinitely interesting subject matter.

someone wants more money for something. Why all of of a sudden would the Gov. care ?????
someone wants more money for something. Why all of of a sudden would the Gov. care ?????
Money may be part of it however"Gov. care", interest, and funding of same is not new and goes back a very long time. What is new and is different is public unclassified discussion "all of a sudden" as is recently declassified official reports and videos of UAP sightings and additional information rather than it all being kept very quiet/low profile.
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