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FrozenGate by Avery

Two questions: glasses/legal?

Apr 8, 2013
First, I'm planning on ordering a 1W class 4 laser. However, I do not know if this is legal in the Netherlands. Secondly, will OD6 glasses protect me from the beam of a 1W laser?
EDIT: I'm not sure how OD works so if I need to add any information, I will
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Yes it will.

The OD rating is equivalent to 10^(-OD) in attenuation.

So if you have a pair of OD6 glasses, that is 10^(-6) = 0.000001. Multiply that by 1W, and the amount of power that will make it through the goggles is 0.000001W.

Safe levels of power are < 5mW for visible wavelengths (i.e. 0.005W). So you'll be safe with those goggles assuming they don't fail.
You'll have to check your own country's laws to know whether it's banned or not. If you really can't find it, try searching through the member list to find someone from your country and PM them. No guarantees that they'll know, but that'll be your last resort.
From memory, I believe the Netherlands has implemented laws which ban laser pointers with an output greater than 1 mW.
