Yeah right, yours is small. Go search any Craigslist and you can find a free rear projection TV. There is a HUGE cube in there, plus all kinds of other goodies. You could probably find free broken TVs like yours too. You can also use PBS cubes from empty sleds to combine beams.
I'm not really understanding you. You said mine is small, and then you say to rip apart a rear projection TV to get a "huge" cube out of it... but that's where I got this one from. It's from a newer large rear projection DLP TV.
Just because they are listed on eBay does not mean they are being sold.
I dont want it, I was just throwing out there what I thought it was worth. Before Polon posted that link you probably would have taken $10. Why dont you do the kid a favor and hook him up. Its not like you were going to use it. $20 is fair for a piece of glass pulled out of a broken TV. You'll make the kids day.
I'm not trying to hold out or anything, calm down. I am happy to give a price that is fair. I said I would sell it at a lower price than what they are going for. This means completed listings. I'll check when I wake up (I am night shift worker).