So I'm still not quite getting this, but I think I have an idea of what's going on. Please let me know how I'm doing.
Okay...The LASER requires power.
It's going to require a continuous total sum of power once stable, but may draw an excess of this during or previous to operation. (Ie. At start-up)
I'm assuming this is because the diode uses a capacitive type of mechanism? Or a "drop" (actually a draw) that "fills a container," then releases all at once?
Then what? Does it do this for every cycle of the diode?
Or does it simply require this once in order to "charge the system?"
The resulting question would then be I suppose is:
If any standard transformer in the same range, (AA battery tested at 1.6V @125.0Ma) A cell phone charger listing output at 4.5V @500Ma) should power a unit requiring 3 AA batteries? (It'd be a little high on voltage as well as amperage, but???)
If not, is that because the steams of energy being used by the laser must be more strictly controlled?
Sorry for all of the trouble.
Thank you.