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To Press, or not to Press

To press it, or not to press it?

  • YES - Press it!

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No - Don´t press it

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 7, 2008
I have another 475nm diode here, i considered pressing it into a 12mm copper module today, attaching a driver and setting it up as a drop-in module.....but for some reason was reluctant and choose not to :thinking:

I´m not sure how many of these diodes are still around un-pressed @lazerman ?

SO......what would you do?


Yes - press it and enjoy it
No - leave it un-pressed, put it on the shelf and save it for....?


  • 475nm.jpg
    148.5 KB · Views: 128
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Do you already have one built, if so I'd keep it as is, and if not, build it and enjoy it! :yh:
I agree with Jeff. If you already have this wavelength in a laser, keep the extra in your stock. You never know when you might need it. I have one, a 477nm, built and I enjoy the color of it. If you don't have one built, what are you waiting for? You can set your driver up to 300 mA and get a nice light blue beam for your troubles.
I'd press it - you need to press it into something eventually to use it, and a 12 mm module is a fairly common form factor. You could even do an adapter from 12 mm to 20 mm later if you have some host that requires that.

One other option would be using one of those screw-in modules, but i'm not sure how well their thermal contact actually is. Perhaps with some heatsinking compound they could work well... but then again that sort of risks the heatsinking compound more or less gluing it in place over time so it'd still be hard to extract intact.
Like I said before, if you don't have this diode in a build, use it. If you do and you think you might end up selling this one for more money or for another reason, hold onto it the way it is. I have spares to builds unpressed in my stock for many lasers I own. If I should lose one in my working laser, I have a backup. If not, I can and might sell one off one of these days.
Great opinions :D Appreciate them and thanks for sharing :beer:
I’ll keep it un-pressed for now, Yes i have one happily doing 60mw @ 475nm already built, by far my favorite wl.
Im still curious how many un-pressed diodes are still around, My feeling is there are still a few members here holding the majority :whistle:
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LOL Is that Lazerman tag for me?
I personally am gonna put my 478nm in a retaining ring style head sink with a laser diode socket. I have yet to find a pointer to fit a socket for that reason its still in the tray xD.
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LOL Is that Lazerman tag for me?
I personally am gonna put my 478nm in a retaining ring style head sink with a laser diode socket. I have yet to find a pointer to fit a socket for that reason its still in the tray xD.

The one and only Lazerman :beer:
Yes for some reason i had you in mind as having a few of these diodes left, also someone sold a few on fleeebay, i definitely could be wrong, if so please say :)
Great idea with the socket!

Edit, o and the link in your location was an interestng read, who exactly has left? was that posted today, cant find it on lpf atm :thinking:
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Yes, he bought several and held onto them until there were none left to be had. Then he charged a premium to get the ones he held onto. If you are trying to make money off your LPF buddies, this is the way to do it. The rest of us sold them for $35 to $40 each until they were all gone. People that have done business with me know that I try to offer these at reasonable prices and offer them binned by wavelength so you know exactly what you are getting.
wait a... 475nm??? not a 490nm? . it is unique item. i want said Yes
Yes, he bought several and held onto them until there were none left to be had. Then he charged a premium to get the ones he held onto. If you are trying to make money off your LPF buddies, this is the way to do it. The rest of us sold them for $35 to $40 each until they were all gone. People that have done business with me know that I try to offer these at reasonable prices and offer them binned by wavelength so you know exactly what you are getting.

I only sold the 473nm at a premium. with the exception of the one Alaskan got the 473nm diodes went to universities.
Don't listen to this lot!

Whats better than a 475nm Laser??

TWO 475nm Lasers :crackup:

Yes, I have also binned and sent diodes to people in universities. Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin comes to mind.
Don't listen to this lot!

Whats better than a 475nm Laser??

TWO 475nm Lasers :crackup:


Too well said :beer: :crackup:

It would be great to know the experiments universities actually carried out on the diodes they received, or would it be just a general show and tell, heres 520nm, heres 473nm etc etc :thinking:
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Many universities diffraction tune these laser diodes to a very narrow line width. They do this to match vibrational wavelengths of atomic structures to ether excite or to cool down atoms when trying to create a Bose Einstein condensate.
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