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Thoughts on these goggles

Eagle Pair from Survival Lasers is the way to go. I don't trust anything else.

... oor, if you happen to have a pair of VR goggles lying around, you could attach a camera to them and use them as laser safety goggles (always viewing the laser through the VR goggles by the footage provided from the camera in realtime)
I had looked, but they don't have anything covering the range I need unfortunately. Either they stop at 540 or stop before 405
Do the VR goggle setup if you want. There is no other solution I would dare call safe besides that or Eagle Pair
Everything laserpointerpro sells in misrepresented and.or outright fraudulent represented + everything is overpriced as well.
You do not need to know much to know there are no 50K mW hand held lasers nor 30K 10K mW---they lie a lot.
I mean there are no 50,000 mW 520nm hand held lasers much less dozens of them LOL https://www.laserpointerpro.com/attribute/power_50000mw-lasers_105
Laserpointerpro is a garbage bandit/outlaw site for a business hiding in China where little if any recourse is possible and ripping people off that don't know any better worldwide with fraudulent representations and double, triple, and quadruple mark up retail prices.

If you buy anything of any kind from them, you deserve what you don't get.

Stick with Eagle Pair goggles/glasses from https://www.survivallaserusa.com/Safety_Goggles/cat1667093_1527285.aspx
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Eagle does not cover the wavelength range I need. As for the ones I asked about, it says unavailable anyway, and after looking at the site, I saw the 50000mw lasers and very poor English, lol, so yeah, I wouldn't trust them much. I do have decent argon glasses, but I don't think they extend into the 560 range either
Eagle does not cover the wavelength range I need. As for the ones I asked about, it says unavailable anyway, and after looking at the site, I saw the 50000mw lasers and very poor English, lol, so yeah, I wouldn't trust them much. I do have decent argon glasses, but I don't think they extend into the 560 range either

WHAT RANGE DO YOU NEED ? This Eagle Pair covers 190nm to 400nm+ 560nm-640nm at OD4 is $42.99 at Survival laser see: https://www.survivallaser.com/Eagle...nm_Laser_Safety_Goggles/p556088_12825366.aspx

This is Beijing Eagle Pair the makers site http://www.eaglelaser.cn/En/View/791.html
405-560. The cutoff is sharp on any charts I have seen on other sites, so I wouldn't trust a 400 cutoff for 405, and I want below 560 as well.
OK well good luck finding low cost laser glasses that cover the range you want.
My guess is they do not exist for several reasons--mostly no market or demand for such a thing--not enough potential customers out there to make it worth making a low cost pair within that yhour range, even if doable/possible.
I mean, why would any laser glasses/goggles making company spend a lot of time and money setting up and doing production of a low cost product if there is no demand or market for it---only to hope to find customers for 3 or 4 pair a year?

Here are some excellent glasses/goggles that cover your desired range but the are not low cost for several reasons.
Retail cost is $229-$239/pair. See: https://lasersafetyindustries.com/UV-KTP-Argon-190nm-560nm-laser-safety-glasses
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Why not try that VR goggle idea? I actually used that before Eagle Pair
The exact goggles I used were drone goggles but I'd imagine that VR would work too as long as it fully encompasses your eyes.

It might be most practical for you to get one of those smartphone-holding-vr-goggles (see image) and seal all the light cracks with some sort of sealing paste. You could then buy a cheap broken phone off eBay and use it as a disposable camera (you'd view what it sees through the camera app)

The exact goggles I used were drone goggles but I'd imagine that VR would work too as long as it fully encompasses your eyes.

It might be most practical for you to get one of those smartphone-holding-vr-goggles (see image) and seal all the light cracks with some sort of sealing paste. You could then buy a cheap broken phone off eBay and use it as a disposable camera (you'd view what it sees through the camera app)

View attachment 69887
That is a joke, right?
Do the VR goggle setup if you want. There is no other solution I would dare call safe besides that or Eagle Pair

What if he has had enough of "virtual reality" and prefers to engage reality reality in the real world as is---
Today's world and experience of it is swamped with virtual/fake everything--- a technology created babysitter/entertainment world.
To take on more of the same nightmare and fake experience/false engineered artificial perception is not a good idea---leads nowhere?

If you can't or don't want to afford proper laser glasses/goggles for the nm wavelength range of a laser you own or have use access to--don't turn it on---do something else/ another activity.
Easy enough even for a child of 10 or 12 yrs to do something of value to other people that they will pay for and save up to buy the glasses/goggles needed. Mow lawns. polish cars, wash cars, paint, chores and so on. There are a million things anyone who is not permanently disabled or handicapped or otherwise restricted can do to generate the small cost of laser goggles quickly.---otherwise you might as well say don't obtain any lasers or goggles--just watch "virtual reality" YouTube videos of lasers instead. lol

That is a joke, right?

No, it is not a joke---is one of many "gazerism" LPF posts.
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Here's a quick video showcasing my old rig's laser-stopping power (against my 1W 525nm), make sure the thing is well sealed lest you go blind!. Obviously yours wouldn't be this good, but here it is anyways:

NOTE: I didn't want to shine directly into the camera sensor since I already damaged it quite a bit (each of those "spots" is a time the goggles saved my retinas from sure destruction). The camera is cheap and easily replaceable though.
