It is a good habit to get into to ALWAYS use a test load to set/measure the current BEFORE hooking up your diode. Like what WANNABURN said. You can either measure Mv across the 1 Ohm (or so..) resistor and use Ohm's Law to calculate current, or you can connect your DMM, VOM, multimeter, in series with the test load and directly measure current (if you are really cautious, you can do the same when you hook up your diode,, put the meter in series with the diode and measure mA. there is no real danger to your LD, if you have set the current with a test load first). The only problem with measuring the current in series with the test load or the LD is if you are using a BOOST DRIVER. If the meter becomes disconnected a boost driver can/will go into runaway, and burn itself up. This is not a problem with a linear driver (like the one you first asked about). You should also have some load on the driver to get an accurate current measurement.