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The Collimated News Column

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Just screenshot it then. You can take quick screenshots if you press on your keyboard the windows key and then the print screen button. It saves it under screenshots in your pictures folder

It is on the newspaper's website and they somehow keep anyone from taking a screen shot. I've tried everything I can think of, but if you know a way that I can sidestep the impediments put in my way I'll try. I put a link on the political forum recently thinking it might be old enough to allow anyone to link on it, but no.

It's not NEWS or a CURRENT EVENT, it is politically biased bashing !
I could have posted a ton of political opinion items here, it all depends of who's writing it, if you are in favor of the bashing you will call it an opinion.....so it's a political opinion..... still not NEWS or a CURRENT EVENT ! Bunch of political propaganda labeled an " opinion " but it's no current event and it's not NEWS !
Sorry red gonna have to give you a warning. No arguing on the thread. You gotta either pm/report to me or Simon.

1. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one

It was my 1st post ever in this thread, I made a point about pauls post, for it to be an argument paul would have to have made a counter point and then my counter to what paul never had a chance to say..... that would be the very beginning of an argument.

The key word in the definition is " exchange " so if you had waited for paul to reply and for me to counter reply.... that would actually be the start of an argument. You could have warned us both.

What I made was a statement, rather I gave an opinion, I never had the chance to make an argument.

p.s To be fair I expect it would have been an argument in short order...... but it would have been interesting to see if paul countered.
You've received your first infraction on this thread for continued arguing. Remember 3 more and the next time is a ban guys.

This is from the NY times and I was able to post a link

Yeah, some older articles can be linked. I've done that myself. But, if the Times deems it still newsworthy they won't allow it. I have tried everything I can think of. Believe me, copy and pasting the article is much more advantageous to me than rewriting it word for word here.

Oh, I see it has already been deleted. I guess that means I can't post anything newsworthy from the Washington Post or the NY Times?
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“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”​

This is a famous quote by Abraham Maslow which refers to a concept commonly known as the ‘law of instrument’ or Maslow’s Hammer. It refers to an over-reliance on a familiar or favourite tool. While such tools can be very useful at times, over-reliance can result in approaching problems in ways that are not always helpful or even destructive.

In psychological terms, this might involve relying on the same coping mechanisms when faced with certain problems, rather than using new solutions. This over-reliance can often maintain psychological difficulties and inhibit processes of change.

It is important to learn different and new ways of thinking and behaving when facing recurring challenges. Learning these techniques forms a fundamental aspect of psychological therapy, and helps individuals to identify factors that are maintaining their difficulties and to develop new ways of responding to them.

2nd Infraction. You need to stop. Seriously
Yeah, some older articles can be linked. I've done that myself. But, if the Times deems it still newsworthy they won't allow it. I have tried everything I can think of. Believe me, copy and pasting the article is much more advantageous to me than rewriting it word for word here.

Oh, I see it has already been deleted. I guess that means I can't post anything newsworthy from the Washington Post or the NY Times?
As long as you can at least screenshot it. I made myself clear. Just do as I said and you can take any screenshot that you want. Are you using a windows pc? Also your post is quoted by me still so you can copy and paste that.
Just now tried to capture a Washington Post article by print screen again. Instead of the usual signs it does nothing. Absolutely nothing.
See? Thanks RCB. Are you checking your screenshot folder, Paul?

For Paul.jpg
If you're on android I believe to take a screen shot you have to press a set of keys. Usually the home button and power button at the same time.
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FYI I am able to screen shot the WP

View attachment 75683
See? Thanks RCB. Are you checking your screenshot folder, Paul?

View attachment 75684
If you're on android I believe to take a screen shot you have to press a set of keys. Usually the home button and power button at the same time.

Yes, if you don't subscribe you can screen shot anything you can link to. I was talking about an article that has today's date on it. That is a whole 'nother thing entirely. I do know how to take a screen shot. It isn't necessary to show how it's done. If you would subscribe to the Post for just one month you would see what I'm talking about. It's just $14.
Sorry Paul if you cannot provide at least a screenshot you cannot post it. It's just how it is. Everyone else can do it. I'm also not going to waste 14 bucks just to see your news articles. I found a way to glitch the website so I can read it anyway. Post a link or screenshot or nothing.
Sorry Paul if you cannot provide at least a screenshot you cannot post it. It's just how it is. Everyone else can do it. I'm also not going to waste 14 bucks just to see your news articles. I found a way to glitch the website so I can read it anyway. Post a link or screenshot or nothing.

If you have a major credit card or are willing to use your bank account I'll pay the $14 to you. I'm willing to pay your subscription price to show you one cannot screen shot a major news article if you are willing. Everyone else can not do that.
If you have a major credit card or are willing to use your bank account I'll pay the $14 to you. I'm willing to pay your subscription price to show you one cannot screen shot a major news article if you are willing.
Generous offer but I'm not about to share my banking info. Just post the link and Ill take a look at it and post a screenshot for you
Generous offer but I'm not about to share my banking info. Just post the link and Ill take a look at it and post a screenshot for you

Okay. You sure know how to make my life difficult. :) Here goes. I'll double check that I can link it when I'm done.


Yep, it works. Also, I tried googling the article by name and that didn't work for me. It is: Tucker Carlson knows exactly what he's doing. By Eric Wemple
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View attachment 75686View attachment 75685

Beginning and end of article.
You can glitch the page when you spam refresh a few times.
Thanks. I hope that will work for all the articles on the Post and Times. If you could get this one to work I should be able to get the others to work as well. I have had no luck at all, so if you have specific instructions that would be helpful to me I would appreciate it very much.
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