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The Collimated News Column

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Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
Rules Pending...
Rules are subject to change.

1. No personal attacks (This thread was created to post off topic discussions and news related events. Discussions as in civil communication. If you see someone post misinformation do not personally attack them. You are grown men you should know what to and not to say.)
2. Post factual data backed up by real evidence and news sources. The information you post must be a well known truth. If you find any inaccuracies or opinions in someone's post then report it and it shall be deleted.
3. No meme posting/crap posting.
4. Don't attack any political party or anything that shines negativity on a specific party.
5. No arguing or discrediting a news source or a certain parties beliefs.

Failure to comply to these rules results in infractions. 4 infractions/warnings is then followed by a temp ban. Multiple temp bans is a permaban. Take this seriously and see this thread as a privilege. It can be taken away just as easy as it is to post.
Please get along. I know that some of you cannot contain yourselves and if this thread becomes enough of a headache it will be closed.
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Don't know how many of you have watched star trek but this episode hit really hard. Miles suffers a 20 year prison sentence in a matter of minutes through a simulated coma like artificial reality. I can imagine what it would be like after 20 years without seeing anyone. It would definitely change me for good.

I used to watch the original Star Trek when it was first shown in the 60's. Even watched the Next Gen in the 80's. Haven't watch any reruns though.
I hope this post is appropriate. What do you guys think about the artists work? I think it looks way too out there. It's old news but yeah... It's massive arms with only the hands that make sense to me.

Wow, absolute devastation in parts of Southern Turkey and Northern Syria from the earthquake. Also was a second major 7.5 magnitude aftershock this morning causing further destruction. Likely thousands of people have been killed.

The report so far is more than 2500 have died. That will likely go up with time. The initial quake was 7.8, so that aftershock was not unheard of.
Four earthquakes above 6.0 in one day. 15 additional earthquakes above 5.0 too. That fault is very active right now. Affecting a big region.
Here's some relatively old news from the NY Times. It was in my inbox today, so......

Trump's Drag On The Republicans quantified: A Five point Penalty

Donald trump's announcement that he was running for president in 11/22 was especially problematic as Republicans were supposed to clean up during the midterm elections but lost in the Senate and carried a slim majority in the House. Trump appears to be the major cause of this as analysed by House districts.

Overall, his candidates under performed other GOP candidates by about 5% points. A penalty of 5 percentage points is a big deal as 5 of the last 6 presidential elections were decided by a margin less than that. As findings like this are revealed, they may add to the consternation of some Republicans who have blamed Trump for the poor performance.

The analysis is based on the Cook Political Report's primary scoreboard. The Cook Report score contested Republican primaries as either a win for the MAGA wing of the party or the "traditional" wing. With the benefit of the final results we can gauge how well MAGA Republicans did compared to "traditional" candidates. The five-point penalty controls for if a district was open or controlled by a Republican or Democratic incumbent.

Her's another way to think about it: Non-MAGA Republicans ran 6 points ahead in 2022 than Trump did in 2020. The MAGA Republicans barely fared better than Trump at all. And many MAGA Republicans ran even further behind recent Republican benchmarks. Lauren Boebert won, but was behind by 6 points behind Trump's performance.

The analysis includes only House races but the five-point MAGA penalty looks about right in the Senate as well. On paper Republican candidates should have been competitive in Arizona and Pennsylvania. But, what did Blake Masters and Mehmet Oz lose by instead? Four to five points.
If it's from the NY Times then post it otherwise this will have to be deleted. Remember you need to link to articles otherwise you're just bashing a political party. I told you this already so I'm going to have to give you your first infraction.
If it's from the NY Times then post it otherwise this will have to be deleted. Remember you need to link to articles otherwise you're just bashing a political party. I told you this already so I'm going to have to give you your first infraction.

This IS from the New York Times. My subscription will not allow me to link it here or anywhere. I have to copy it.
Just screenshot it then. You can take quick screenshots if you press on your keyboard the windows key and then the print screen button. It saves it under screenshots in your pictures folder
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