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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Jul 10, 2015
Biden has been a dismal failure and a national embarrassment, I fear we will see WWIII if the deep State dems somehow steal another election and yes 2020 was stolen, covid was exploited to stuff ballot boxes and illegally change State voting laws, information that did not favor Biden was censored and the FBI lied when they told us that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, that lie alone was enough to impact the outcome of the election in close States.


Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
It is coming fast. We're in April already. I feel like we were in January last week
Jul 10, 2015
Yes time has gone by really fast. Before you know it Summer will have come and gone, then before winter really hits we will have had the election..... it's getting close.
Sep 20, 2013
I cannot believe you are still claiming the election in 2020 was stolen. This has been Trump's lie since he tried to stop the certification of Biden's election on January 6th. After all, Trump was president and he was still plugging the lie that he had somehow been cheated. Nothing could be further from the truth. He had already put Barr in as the AG who disingenuously falsified the findings in the Mueller Report ahead of its release. I actually took the time to read that report and it showed at least 12 examples of how Trump violated the law. Is it really any wonder he is facing a litany of felony charges? And we will start the NY trial in less than 9 days.

In addition to that Trump took, INTENTIONALLY, classified documents and hid them after the State Department came asking for them. His lawyers have tried any and all of Trump's grievances in an effort to get this case thrown out. But, it is the best and strongest case against him. I remember Nixon leaving office before being impeached as Republicans back then weren't so anti-American and only looking to put ANY Republican in the White House. It is a sad state of affairs to see how far Republicans have fallen with Trump.
Jul 10, 2015
I just gave you examples of how the 2020 was stolen.
(1) Hyped up covid was used as an excuse to change State voting laws, these laws are voted on by the people, it's illegal to change them, yet it happened.
(2) Ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing due to ( see #1 above ).
(3) The FBI lied to benefit Biden and that alone swayed the vote in close races.
(4) Social media information censorship.

That's just a few and Trump told the FBI where his documents ( packed by helpers when he left office ) were, nothing was hidden, the FBI requested an extra lock on the doors of the document room at Mar-a-largo and Trump complied, this is political persecution, nothing less.

Now Biden took documents when he was a Senator, totally different, Presidents have always been able to declassify documents but not Senators, again it's political persecution.

Mueller was a senile dud, he was used by the deep state cabal as a figure head so they could construct a BS case against Trump behind closed doors, but Trump was EXONERATED...... you have no problem saying Hillary was not convicted, well neither was Trump, the difference is the deep state cabal went after everyone in Trumps orbit trying to make them compose, but the FBI handed out immunity like Halloween candy to everyone around Hillary to protect her from future accountability.

Your double standards are blatant, you simply want the liberal agenda and you don't care what it takes to get it.... well let me tell you how it would unfold, illegal immigrants are already getting better healthcare than poor blacks who are citizens and the redistribution of wealth only means everyone will be poor, your liberal utopia is a pipe dream that ends with a handful of government and wealthy friends controlling a starving slave nation.
Sep 20, 2013
I just gave you examples of how the 2020 was stolen.
(1) Hyped up covid was used as an excuse to change State voting laws, these laws are voted on by the people, it's illegal to change them, yet it happened.
(2) Ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing due to ( see #1 above ).
(3) The FBI lied to benefit Biden and that alone swayed the vote in close races.
(4) Social media information censorship.

That's just a few and Trump told the FBI where his documents ( packed by helpers when he left office ) were, nothing was hidden, the FBI requested an extra lock on the doors of the document room at Mar-a-largo and Trump complied, this is political persecution, nothing less.

Now Biden took documents when he was a Senator, totally different, Presidents have always been able to declassify documents but not Senators, again it's political persecution.

Mueller was a senile dud, he was used by the deep state cabal as a figure head so they could construct a BS case against Trump behind closed doors, but Trump was EXONERATED...... you have no problem saying Hillary was not convicted, well neither was Trump, the difference is the deep state cabal went after everyone in Trumps orbit trying to make them compose, but the FBI handed out immunity like Halloween candy to everyone around Hillary to protect her from future accountability.

Your double standards are blatant, you simply want the liberal agenda and you don't care what it takes to get it.... well let me tell you how it would unfold, illegal immigrants are already getting better healthcare than poor blacks who are citizens and the redistribution of wealth only means everyone will be poor, your liberal utopia is a pipe dream that ends with a handful of government and wealthy friends controlling a starving slave nation.

If, like you say, that Trump had no intent to hide documents from the State Department why did they find so many classified documents in his desk, bathroom...hell all over the place. They had asked Trump for the return of these documents for over a year. It took the execution of a search warrant to finally get them back. Yes, Biden found a few classified documents in his possession from his time as Vice President, not Senator. He immediately contacted the state Department and returned them. So did Pence. Intent is the reason these people are not being prosecuted. People are prosecuted, convicted and sentenced every year for less than Trump has admitted doing. I am sick and tired of this "deep state" cabal crap as this is just rhetoric to rile up the Republican base. As Chief Justice Roberts said, "there are no Democratic judges or Republican judges. There are just judges."
Jul 10, 2015
There are in fact political activist liberal judges who make bad rulings IMHO to further the liberal agenda rather than align with our Constitution.

Biden also had secret documents from the time when he was a Senator and secret documents had been moved around to many places.
Biden had insisted that he had no knowledge or involvement in the removal or use of the secret documents, yet they were spread out over many places.

Sep 20, 2013
There are in fact political activist liberal judges who make bad rulings IMHO to further the liberal agenda rather than align with our Constitution.

Biden also had secret documents from the time when he was a Senator and secret documents had been moved around to many places.
Biden had insisted that he had no knowledge or involvement in the removal or use of the secret documents, yet they were spread out over many places.

It could be said, and has, that Aileen Cannon is biased toward Trump. She is clearly either incompetent, biased or both when it comes to overseeing this case against Donald Trump. She has actually only tried a small handful of cases.

Who cares what Biden had in his possession. It is intent that makes this criminal and Biden immediately returned all documents while Trump hid, stalled and the Justice Dept. only got them back after serving a search warrant.
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Jul 10, 2015
Who cares what Trump had in his possession, he was President and had authority to declassify any documents, furthermore no President has ever been attacked like Trump has been, it's political lawfare against Trump to try and interfere with his reelection.
Sep 20, 2013
No President has been as criminal as Donald Trump. These cases he's facing are all over the country. Even Nixon, who I took a course in college at the time he was facing impeachment about the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, wasn't as criminal as Trump appears to be. He gets to be called only a defendant until he is convicted and then he becomes a felon.
Jul 10, 2015
When the SCOTUS overturns any BS convictions, you will again call him ...... hell call him whatever you want, you do anyway, lol......just be prepared to call Trump...... Mr. President for 4 more years. ;):D:giggle:

Unown (WILD)

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Sep 4, 2020
So is it going to be just Trump and Biden this election?
