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Tae Kwon Do Promotion (other)

Anthony P

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2018
As some of you are aware, I am a Tae Kwon Do instructor when not lasering. This week, I was promoted to 4th Dan Black-belt, Junior Master. A significant factor in this promotion was my work with a disabled student. He is an amputee ( right leg). Tae Kwon Do is primarily a kicking art. The techniques had to be adapted to accommodate his prosthetic. Also, though he seldom uses his crutches, they were incorporated into the art.

Back to lasers... the dye laser project will be ready for initial alignment and firing this weekend.


Apr 28, 2015
Congrats!!:):) No I didn't know you were a Tae Kwon Do instructor..
Awsome also working with with the amputee student..and for him to not let life issue's bring him down!

Back in grade school around the early 70's a now friend came to my hometown from South Korea and was fresh off from becoming a 2nd degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Do.. Yes talk about leg strength, at maby 5' - 4" at the most in 7th grade he could dunk a tennis ball..
Not to get away from the topic but again Congrats;)
Jul 10, 2015
The striking based arts are a great discipline and a good base but I have seen how grappling skills including takedown defense is very important, I remember many years ago how taking people down in training/practice was easy because most did not expect it and I remember watching matches at a judo school in Atlanta where very fit boxers and karate practitioners would regularly lose a bout to a fighter with grappling skills even though the fitness/conditioning of the striker was obviously at a higher level.
I personally I don't train much today and I know sport/MMA and self defense have much in common but also differ, still I have to say that including some grappling in a persons training provided they are able is a good idea and do I think any discipline is a good investment in health both mental and physical, congratulations on your achievements and on helping others to better themselves. (y)
Sep 20, 2013
Tony, you will have to post some photos of your dye laser project once it is working. I will be looking forward to those. (y)

Anthony P

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2018
Thank you to everyone for your kind and supportive comments.
GSS: I could tell you stories all day long, but I always love to hear other people's experience.
RED: As a teen I studied a variety of martial arts. TKD is the one I stuck with. You are right, a variety of systems makes for a well rounded artist.
PAUL: Of course there will be photos!

I started this post earlier and got cut off by software upgrade.

I just found out that there is going to be an elaborate promotion ceremony that may include press and politicians. I am kinda mixed about that.
