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FrozenGate by Avery

Survival Laser NFPA Committee Appointment


Aug 27, 2010
Just thought I'd let the forum members know that I've been appointed as a principal member to the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) technical committee on Laser Fire Protection. The committee has responsibility for NFPA 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection.

NFPA 115: Standard for Laser Fire Protection

The NFPA codes are not a law or regulation in themselves but are adopted voluntarily worldwide by state and local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) for incorporation into their own laws and regulations. I have over 25 years experience as a principal member of the NFPA's Committee on Pyrotechnics where I represent my other business RCS Rocket Motor Components, Inc., and combined with my laser hobby and business background I was persuaded to apply for a position on the Laser Fire Protection committee.

Other individuals currently participating in the committee include Daniel Hewitt from the FDA and Fred Seeber from the Laser Institute of Technology. I have found it helpful to be involved in these committees, both for the opportunity to have a voice in the creation of the regulatory framework that we operate in as well as having access to the "movers and shakers" who shape and contribute to our activity. I hope to represent Survival Laser primarily from the business perspective but also from the hobbyist viewpoint.

Committee Members

On that note, the committee is currently seeking additional members in the interest classifications of Installer/Maintainer, Applied Research/Testing Laboratory, Insurance, Consumer, Enforcer, Labor, Manufacturer and User, and I would encourage those interested to apply.

I would be happy to render any assistance I can to help those LPF members who would like to make an application for a seat on the committee.

Congrats! That is pretty awesome to have a voice in the legal side of things.
Congrats! That is pretty awesome to have a voice in the legal side of things.

Thanks. I've always thought that laser hobbyists should have a greater say in the regulatory side of their activity, like rocket hobbyists already do in the propulsion & pyrotechnics business.
