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Sun glasses

Ashton said:
What if the sunglasses are aupposed to block the energy? i.e. sunglasses that are rated 100% UV protective used with a UV laser? (though I hope nobody on here who doesnt know EXACTLY how to use them will be playing with a UV laser....)

Blocking light outside of the visible range isn't as difficult because VLT isn't so much of a problem. Still, I wouldnt trust sunglasses on a UV laser without testing them. 100% UV protection is not 100%, knowing the OD is important. Also, 405nm UV/violet lasers may not fit into the definition of "UV" that is blocked by sunglasses. They may work... but don't leave anything to trust.

lol. dont worry, I'm asking purely for knoledge. I like the safe end of the spectrum. UV lasers make the 3W IR laser I'm watching look like a childs plaything! (to any newbies: UV lasers can cause all kind of nasty biological reaction because they override chemical reactions! usually the result is cancer!) I'd rather risk a few minor IR burns than cancer
