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FrozenGate by Avery

Suggestions for high quality laser

Oct 15, 2007
Hey guys,

I haven't been posting on LPF for a while now because i've been busy increasing my flashlight collection at CPF.

I've been saving up for a high-end optotronics for a long time now such as a 425 Green RPL.
I have been thinking of different alternatives and from my knowledge, the laserglow hercules is its closest substitute.

What I don't like about the hercules is its size, the fact that it uses 3 D cell batteries and the high price.

On the other hand, i love the continuous duty cycle and the fact that it can be powered by an external power supply.

I do however prefer the look and size of the RPL. I think they are both similar in terms of divergence, beam diameter etc...

I will definitely be using the laser with a 10X beam expander which I will need to purchase along with the laser.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? Spending thousands of dollars on a handheld is hard to swallow, but having been on this forum for years and having experienced cheap products in that past, I now feel compelled to treat myself to a quality product.

If you do have any other suggestion then please post them. I am not aware of all the good laser manufacturers out there, so their might be a product that would compete with the above in terms of power and quality.


There isn't a whole lot of options when it comes to quality high end DPSS units. Optotronics or CNI are pretty much the only avenues I know of. If I were to be spending that much money on something, I would want it to be everything I expected with no chance of muck ups and to get the most for my money, so Optotronics it is. I'm not saying Laserglow isn't all those things, but I'd go with Optotronics RPL over a Hercules. Li-Ion batteries is a major selling point and the hosts are much nicer IMO. You get more power per dollar at Optotronics than at Laserglow.
Thanks for the input man. I was browsing opto's website and couldn't find any beam expanders on there. I remember having seen them a year or so ago. I will talk to Jack about that because it shouldn't be a problem. Any other suggestions are more than welcome!
I've got 2 RPL's from Optotronics and simply love both of them and the service from Jack is second to none. I'm using 3 different magnification levels for the Melles Griot 3x, 10, & 20x; I use a Beam Expander from Dragon Lasers which is 10x. You'll need to use a adapter of-course to attach your BE to the RPL.

I took a look at the Hercules awhile back too, and I found the size way too large to be practical and who uses D Cells in Lasers, and for the kind of money they want I would then just go with a Labby. Since we're talking portables here though, I think you'll love an RPL.

Good luck.
Well, i guess you guys have convinced me to get an RPL! Now my only problem is that Jack isn't stocking any more beam expanders, so I will need your help finding a 10X beam expander to fit my soon to be purchased RPL.
Probably the only thing you can do then if Jack isn't stocking them anymore, would be to look on ebay for a used one; I really don't think you'll like the price of a new one from Melles Griot; but then again that largely depends on your discretionary funds.

OK; I just did a quick look on ebay and there is one, Good luck.
Do you mind PM'ing me the link? Also, wont I need a special adapter for it to fit the RPL?
