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FrozenGate by Avery

Stocking Stuffer Pen Host ** PIC HEAVY **


Dec 3, 2011
Happy Holidays LPF,

I hope I am the first to bring this host to the table…

I was out shopping earlier this week and like most of us, I am always on the lookout for new and/or different items to make into laser hosts. Some of the best places to look are your local hardware stores and at Christmas time they usually have all the fancy, holiday only, gadgets to use for stocking stuffers or last minute gift ideas.

Today I scored big time! I was at Home Depot browsing the gift section and found the perfect flashlight to use as a pen host. This thing had pen laser written all over it… and it was cheap too, so buying one to rip apart was a no brainer.


It is the Defiant LED Pen Light (# 1000 016 979) LINK TO HOME DEPOT: 2 pack plus 4 AAA batteries for under $5… SCORE!!! Note that it is only available in stores in limited quantities, not on-line, and for a limited time through the holidays.


Specifications: Black tube with silver head and tail, 150mm Length, 15mm Diameter, All Aluminum. Compared to my Newish and Chrome laser 2 x AAA (10440) Pens, this one is about 4mm shorter and 2 mm wider in diameter than the Newish, but the Chrome Pen is smaller and thinner. This is the only one of the 3 with a tail cap click type switch. (See photos at end of post for comparison)

The Build

Here are the build instructions and photos for anyone wanting an inexpensive pen laser. Total build time is about an hour and minimal skill is required. I already have a 9mm and a M140 built… These will make better stocking stuffers now 

Requirements for build

Defiant Pen Host, 12mm Laser Module with Driver (I recommend DTR’s M140 or 9MM with X-Drive), Soldering Iron, Small Screw Driver, Brass Pipe (I use K&S Hobby Tubing #139 – It fits the 12mm Aixiz modules perfectly), JB Weld or other metal adhesive, Dremel tool or hack saw. Volt Meter or Continuity Tester, Sand Paper, 3.8” drill bit and drill, and 2 x 10440 Batteries.
Preparing the pill

Disassemble the pen removing the cap, LED module, reflector, and plastic lens.


Using a small screwdriver remove the LED circuit board from the LED module by prying in one of the open slots on the LED board.


There will be 2 wires connecting the LED board to the pill.


Cut the wires and remove the LED board.


With a blunt ended tool, carefully push through the module from the LED end and dislodge the pill from the aluminum module. The pill should only be held in place by friction and should pop out with a little force or tapping.



Using a small wire cutter, remove the wires, transistor, and IC chip from the surface of the pill, leaving only the solder spots. Leaving wires or components on the board can cause shorting.




Preparing the new module

Carefully remove the back section of the Aixiz module housing from the Laser Module.


Using a 3/8” drill, open the wire whole in the back of the module. Drill from the non-threaded end so you don’t mess up the threads in the module. This is so the pill can be seated at the end of the module without shorting to the Aixiz case.


Cut a small piece of K & S #139 size brass tubing 12mm in length.


This will fit snug over the end of the module and when then module is inserted into the pen cap, this will brace the pill and hold it at the positive end of the battery tube.


If you make this piece too long, the pen cap will not go completely on and could add space at the tip of the pen and prevent the lens from being screwed in far enough. Then your laser will not be able to be focused to a point.

Assembling the pieces

I use JB Weld to bind the brass cap to the drilled end of the module. Be sure to leave a very small extension past the end of the module for pressing in the pill.



Also it a good idea to test fit the module in the cap before everything has dried. The end should protrude 12mm to allow a tight fit in the host and the front of the module should butt to the front of the pen cap.

Carefully screw the module back onto the diode mount portion with the wires pulled through the end where the brass cap is. Cut the wires short enough to be able to solder the leads to the pill, but not too long that there is too much wire to fit inside the brass cap.


I cut my wires about ¼” in length. Using a voltmeter test for continuity between shown points and be sure there are no shorts. Solder on the leads as shown in the diagram and the carefully set the pill to the end of the module. The center of the pill should be positive. If you are using a positive or negative grounded module, adjust accordingly.


Slight pressure on a flat surface should set the pill into the brass fitting. Again test to be sure there are no shorts between + and -. Also test to be sure you have continuity between the out side of the pill and the module itself.


Note that you will need to remove the focus ring from the module’s lens before placing into cap.


You can opt to put thermal adhesive between the module and the cap and around the inside of the host head. I prefer to keep my module as is and just use short runtimes. This is my 9mm module ready to go.




If needed for your build, you can prepare the module’s lens focus ring by sanding the screw side of the knob making it a little thinner, different diodes and lenses allow for a little more length, but the 9mm with the short barrel glass lens requires a little trimming of the focus ring to achieve a good range of focus. I also use the stiffer springs for better focus control.


This will allow the lens to be focused to infinity or to a tight point. You can also opt to use the extended barrel lens if you do not want to trim the focus ring or if you want to use another type of focus adapter. A conical focus adapter might look cool and give the pen a finished look.


Notes on the pen’s switch: I like the rubber cover on the switch, however the cover can be removed and the switch will still function properly. Just work the cover from the side and it will come off. It is easy to get it back on.


When using a high powered diode, you should observe strict short runtimes and extended cool down periods. Both my 9mm and M140 can easily run for 15 seconds with out getting warm. Since these are new for me, I have not established limits, but just use good judgment and your diodes should last.

That’s it!

I hope you liked the build and some of you venture to purchase this host. I think they are a good option for someone wanting an easy pen host for one of DTR's ready to go modules. Feed back is appreciated.

Before and after...


Compared to my other pen lasers

As you can see, the new laser (middle) is comparable in size to the other pens on the market. I think I like my Chrome build a little better as I am partial to the side, momentary button, but considering price and ease of build, I will have a few more of these in my collection.



If anyone is having trouble finding these or needs some help with the parts or construction, shoot me a PM and I will try to help you out.

BTW: I bought a couple extra of these lights, so I should have some spares lying around after the holidays. I might even try to put a couple kits together for these and market them on LPF.

Be safe and I hope you all have happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
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Brilliant work, I like the use of simple parts you made it look so easy but in real it's very difficult to get things work esp when you're dealing with non-laser hosts. +1 very well deserved.
OK, Christmas vacation is over and I'm getting back into building some more lasers. I love these new Defiant hosts. They seem to be easily adaptable to any type of build.

Since I stocked up on these hosts, I decided to build out a few. I have added a PHR 805T 405nm, 60mw 532nm, and a 1.7W 445nm to my 2.2W 9mm 445nm Defiant builds.


I still have some of these hosts left if anyone is interested, PM me.

By the way... I also purchased one of DTRs 520nm PLP520-B1 modules, which I ordered at the recommended 450ma setting. I decided to put this in Powerlight B50 host and I added a G-2 for a little extra kick. This is really a nice green laser and in the B50 its very pocketable!!! I wish I could afford one of the new 1W 520s :) I might need to have a firesale to get some quick cash!

Hope you all have a great new year and happy lasering!!!
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Looking great! I have a 1.6w pen myself.
How long can you run that 2.2w 9mm?
I try to be careful and not push the limits of my lasers. For this one my max is about 30 seconds so far. The whole case is all aluminum and is tight with the aluminum and copper module. Heat disperses pretty fast into the whole pen, but it does get a little warm.

Which pen host did you use?

See the last picture in the original post, I have a newish style I got from Blord a year ago, and a chrome 9mm I built a couple months ago. I really like the side buttons, but for these higher power ones, the rear click is nice so they don't come on in your pocket:)
I rebuilt a wicked laser e2 so its a beefy pen. And I know what you mean by the side button. I recently had it accidentally come on and hit me in the left eye. I've lost almost all of my vision in that eye.

The larger size of the e2 gives me about a minute. Bt I don't go near that amount of time for fear of cooking my diode. I'm also very carful when it comes to duty cycles.

Because of the side switch I had to use lazeerer x switch driver with a button right in the driver. I used the stock driver retainer and had to do some creative modification to allow the new custom driver fit. The new m140 module also had to have some changes for it to fit in such a tight spot. The overall length of the new module and the new driver had to match where a 50mw dpss module was, so it was a pita! But in the end it's great to have all that owner in a pen.
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Wow! Sorry to hear about your accident. No matter how careful you are things happen.

The E2s are nice hosts. I tried to use one of the X drives with the button for my chrome build and ended up blowing my M140. Just build a custom button and used a 9mm.

Hope you have a good weekend and stay warm. Just saw the news and the mess in Columbia. My family is up in those parts, but not out shopping today thankfully!
Yikes. The only difference was the x switch is wired for case positive. Maybe that was the problem?

I have 5 of sinners new pen hosts coming and one is going to sport a 9mm.

Yeah thanks, it is pretty damn cold lol. You have a good weekend too man,
