I've had the luxury of being able to search the net all day long for several days while waiting for the next flight out of this base, a whole week between flights to where I need to go, so googling information, when I can... the internet is up and down here terribly, but sometimes up for hours, yay! So, I found his web page when YouTubing YAG's. My next question to find the answer to is to understand how the power output and pulse width of a SSY1 YAG is changed when removing the passive Q-switches. I think I saw where the thing puts out ten times more power due to the power being concentrated in such a short pulse when using a Q switch, trying to confirm. If anyone knows, please jump in.
Yep, more info just found:
I no sooner post this and I find that without the Q-Switch the rod just lases and outputs power as long as the pulsed light from the flash tube is active, so the pulse width then depends upon how long the flash is present, another subject to chase down now to know what determines how long a flash is but I suspect that is determined by the particular flash tube, the amount of capacitance and the choice of inductor used for the flash circuit, unless you have some fancy circuit board which can control the pulse width to the flash tube.
So, I'm digging for info on the above, and I need to find how many mJ of 1064nm one of these YAG rods can produce without a Q-Switch. Also, I need to know how the output might be polarized, or not.... seeking that info, so I re-welcome anyone who can answer those questions to jump right in, if you feel inclined, could save me some time searching, but I will keep looking in the mean time, will post if I find the info.