i´m messed up now. In the Spartan(my favourite) review of FrancoRob he wrote this:
""So, as you can see, the Spartan shows a specific P.O. having about the half value of the Viper, I think this is why the Viper beam looks brighter....and this is also the reason of the 150mW Spartan model lower burning power: to have the same burning power of the Viper (taking constant the beam diameters), the Spartan P.O. should be:
x/2.54sqmm = 127mW/sqmm, that is: x = 127 x 2.54 = 322.6 mW *""
http://laserpointerforums.com/f52/spartan-gw-150mw-dragon-laser-part-2-a-37907.html (full review)
Does that mean that the viper 95mW has a brighter beam and is better in burning than the 150mW one? Module or spartan, that is the question :S
Oh, well, I have just found your thread, so I'll try to clarify more my review...
As you can see, the Spartan beam is "more visible" just because it is thicker rather the Viper one (2 mm against 1.2 mm). There is not a clear visible difference in brightness: to see a visible increase in brightness you need to go really up in power output.
Different is the burning power: with the same power output (in mW), thinner is the beam and better is the burning capability, as the power is concentrated in a smaller area (smaller dot). To have the same burning power of my Viper 95, as per my graphos, the Spartan PO would have been 322.6 mW.
BTW, I can understand you: I loved too the shape of the Spartan, as it is not so bulk as the "high power lasers" (Hulk, Opto RPLs, etc.) but has a click-on continuous power button switch...; in addition, you can fit on it a damned good beam expander at a really honest price! Unfortunately my experience was not positive, and after two underpowered Spartans I have been refunded. So I wish you a better luck.

I know that DL (Frank is a really nice guy) is ongoing to improve their quality.
The only alternative would be to have an O-like green module assembled in a good host; several LPF members can do a really good job, offering a high quality assembly of these modules in good hosts having a click-on continuous button switch... the only single point that's not clear about these modules is their divergence: in spite of the fact that a lot of members own these lasers, I have not find in the Forum a clear numeric value attesting this characteristic:undecided:, and this in spite of the fact that both Pseudonomen 137 and Optotronic sites offer the possibility to calculate this value....