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FrozenGate by Avery

SONY 16X DVD Burner Diode

Jan 5, 2008
Umm guys? I would really love to find out how powerful this diode is, and also if it could run at 3AAA batteries (9V DC). I would also appreciate if anyone could tell me what the optimum power-supply for this diode is.

Do you mean like the ones being sold here... http://stonetek.org/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=180

Do not run it off 3aaa's it will kill it instantly, you could hook it up to 2aa batteries but it is very bad to do that, it will have huge voltage spikes and the diode will likely live a few days if that.

I suggest you make this circuit... http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1185701612/0#0
It only costs about $4 and is very simple to make, you could know almost nothing about electronics and make it, theres pics all on there to help you.

With that driver you can adjust the power to whatevery you want, but dont go past 250ma for them after that point you dont get to much more power but you shorten the lifespan of them alot.

...lazer... ;D ;D ;D
