^^ It looks like the seller isn't even sure what diode that is. They are taking a guess from the "closest specsheet they can find", the ML101U29 (LPC diode). So that's all we've got to go off.
It's tough to tell how much power you are going to get from feeding any diode any given amount of current. Each diode varies a bit, so it's not an exact science.
If it is an LPC-826 like the seller suspects, you can give it 450-500mA no problem and it should be about 250-300mW. The only way to tell for sure is buying one and trying it out.
Welcome to the laser hobby. :beer:
Thanks. I don't really feel like buying a diode on "trial and error", You don't happen to know where they sell red 250mW laser diodes where the seller knows what mA you should use?