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*SOLD!* SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Hey guys, this laser really does hit 190mW+ after warmed up. Sorry I didn't make a graph of it. The graph was for the review and was an output reading from a cold start till the 45 second mark. Beyond that initial use (what you will actually be using most the time) the output climbs to 192mW and hangs out there for a while.
I am surprised to see this being sold so quickly but this member did mention even before buying it that he would be using it for a project.
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Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Not intending to threadjack or turn away buyers at all but:

People who go to every laser sale and constantly ask "is this a good burner" or "can this burn XYZ" need to do some damn reading in the damn forums first. In nearly every single sale thread we see these questions pop up over and over. Output power and focusability determine how well something can burn/melt. Output wavelength determines the target's color. This never changes.

I'm sorry but sometimes it sickens me to think pyrophillic morons get nice lasers for the sole purpose of lighting matches and melting plastic.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Not intending to threadjack or turn away buyers at all but:

People who go to every laser sale and constantly ask "is this a good burner" or "can this burn XYZ" need to do some damn reading in the damn forums first. In nearly every single sale thread we see these questions pop up over and over. Output power and focusability determine how well something can burn/melt. Output wavelength determines the target's color. This never changes.

I'm sorry but sometimes it sickens me to think pyrophillic morons get nice lasers for the sole purpose of lighting matches and melting plastic.

:crackup: If it's any consolation, said morons likely also do some eye damage to themselves.

Personally if a person does ask that kind of a question, to me it's a bit of a red flag. I mean I've sold lasers to people who asked the question... but not until I drilled safety in again and again.

@xXxGUITARISTxXx - If the laser isn't sold yet... I'll take it, per our last PM exchange. Just send me you PP email address.
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Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

do you ever step back and realize that most people buy these lasers as a novlity and not for any other reason.

also most of us here are not experts and know very little about lasers.

so to say a question is dumb and the person asking them is dumb just makes you an asshole.

now ask me about a car or truck. i can build an engine with my eyes closed.

/off soap box

Not intending to threadjack or turn away buyers at all but:

People who go to every laser sale and constantly ask "is this a good burner" or "can this burn XYZ" need to do some damn reading in the damn forums first. In nearly every single sale thread we see these questions pop up over and over. Output power and focusability determine how well something can burn/melt. Output wavelength determines the target's color. This never changes.

I'm sorry but sometimes it sickens me to think pyrophillic morons get nice lasers for the sole purpose of lighting matches and melting plastic.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

do you ever step back and realize that most people buy these lasers as a novlity and not for any other reason.

So because it's a novelty to you means research is not necessary.... interesting.

also most of us here are not experts and know very little about lasers.

You're on a laser forum and you're new here. You are not "Most of Us", and you would be astounded by the amount of knowledge on here.

so to say a question is dumb and the person asking them is dumb just makes you an asshole.

Of course there are no dumb questions. Only dumb@$$ self entitled pricks who refuse to do research and expect to be spoon fed information on request.

now ask me about a car or truck. i can build an engine with my eyes closed.

/off soap box

Durr, does car have four wheels and go fast durr? Good question right?

Do some reading, get some manners, and come back when you grow up a bit more.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

call it what you want but to call someone names and then sit back and expect someone to just take it ..... i give respect as im given it. i took offense to his/her commit.

i have done some research. but i there is a lot of bias information on the internet. so when i did my searching i became more confused. so i came here and asked.

this is just the start of a hobby and interest for me. so i do not wanna spend big bucks on my first few lasers.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

call it what you want but to call someone names and then sit back and expect someone to just take it.

Sorta like how you called me an asshole and then neg repped me? :thinking:

All the information you could ever need to make an informed purchase is here on THIS site. Yes, it is buried in tons of threads so you can't find it in a few minutes of searching like everyone has become used to with google. But you know what, it's still there, and it can still be found if you take the initiative and invest the time in to finding it.

I don't know what's worse, the idiocracy we see brewing in society or the sense of unfounded entitlement that is spreading like wildfire.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Okay! Calm down everyone and grab a :beer:
I have learned so much since I've gone on here, and I want to learn a lot more! People really should understand the hazards of class 3B and 4 lasers before purchasing.

Hey guys, this laser really does hit 190mW+ after warmed up. Sorry I didn't make a graph of it. The graph was for the review and was an output reading from a cold start till the 45 second mark. Beyond that initial use (what you will actually be using most the time) the output climbs to 192mW and hangs out there for a while.
I am surprised to see this being sold so quickly but this member did mention even before buying it that he would be using it for a project.
Thanks for letting people know!:) This really is a great laser, I just need the paypal funds right now. :/

@xXxGUITARISTxXx - If the laser isn't sold yet... I'll take it, per our last PM exchange. Just send me you PP email address.
Hmmm... If I don't get anymore offers, I'll think about it. Thanks.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

Sorta like how you called me an asshole and then neg repped me? :thinking:

All the information you could ever need to make an informed purchase is here on THIS site. Yes, it is buried in tons of threads so you can't find it in a few minutes of searching like everyone has become used to with google. But you know what, it's still there, and it can still be found if you take the initiative and invest the time in to finding it.

I don't know what's worse, the idiocracy we see brewing in society or the sense of unfounded entitlement that is spreading like wildfire.

bro calm down and drop it..

im sure you know a lot about lasers and other electronics.

but you keep insulting people i believe is against forums rules. perhaps a mod should step in.

having an opinion is one thing but to bash peope for their lack of knowledge is not right.

lets keep the peace and get back on topic of the OP.
Re: WTS SKY LASERS 100mW 532nm Overspec (169+mW!!!)

bro calm down and drop it..

im sure you know a lot about lasers and other electronics.

but you keep insulting people i believe is against forums rules. perhaps a mod should step in.

having an opinion is one thing but to bash peope for their lack of knowledge is not right.

lets keep the peace and get back on topic of the OP.

It is you who is out of line here. Not Sigurth.

He made a generalized statement about self entitled morons who can't spare the time to do a bit of research and instead ask questions and to be spoon fed.

You took this comment to heart...

Then proceeded to quote him and insult him specifically.

Every question you asked since coming on the forum has been answered many time over. If you had bothered to do even a few hours of research the questions would not have come up in the the first place.

Take your own advice and drop it. :yabbmad:
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