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FrozenGate by Avery

Small DPSS combo crystal SUPER OVERDRIVE


Feb 13, 2015
I have a small (like 1x1x4) NdYVO+KTP crystal from (broken) 100 mW disco module, I decided to mess up with it for a while since I dont really need it for anything.

I took my 2.5 W 808nm pump diode (REAL overkill, I know) and checked how it will work with too small crystal. Results are quite surprising, completely different from what I've read in Sam's faq. At lasing threshold dot was rectangular, hopped to tem00 with a bit more current. It worked perfectly fine at 1W IR output producing quite a lot of green light - my 50mW reference laser (also from disco equipment) was completely dominated by it, almost invisible. Comparing to what I've read this shouldnt be possible, crystal would 'blah blah blah something' and produce smaller amount of laser and most possibly break after a while - NOPE. Output was stable, no flickering, no problems at all. I've decided later to ramp the current up even more - above 1.2 A (peak diode output achieved at 2.4A) green output has dropped a bit and dot became rectangular again. But at 2A the output was comparable to my 600mW green CNI, dot was shitty rectangular thing tho but if I collimated it properly it should be quite enough to use with disco projectors. I am a bit confused now, thought that those crystal cant be driven so rough but now I think they can (the mentioned crystal was in brass barrel) - so maybe it would work if I replaced the default ~2W diode from CNI 600 mW with 10W cmount, replace TEC to bigger one, ramp up the tec and circuit current and cool this frankenstein with a server blower fan?

At full output 2.5W 808 the expander completely melted and the crystal cracked (still works but much bigger splash now). Well, I suppose that's what we can call being TOO GREEDY
In case anyone was interested, the crystal and diode assembly was c-mount aixiz 50mW 532 known on this forum for being able to do over 120mW 532nm when cooled properly
