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FrozenGate by Avery

SKYlasers GROUP BUY @ WOW Prices

May 20, 2009
It seems like all the laser companies are doing group buys or huge discounts this year. We're no different! First, we have an awesome deal going on here on 150mW green portable lasers:


In addition, I know LaserPointerForum members are always into high powered products. How about our 300mW 2010 Green Portable Lasers that peak ABOVE 350mW??

SKYlasers offers the same high quality lasers at already low prices. Not only are we equal in quality, our portable lasers are FDA approved and focus adjustable. For this month only, we are offering the 300-400mW Green Portable Laser in a group buy starting at 10 units.

If we can get 10 units, we are willing to offer a 20% discount off this unit.

If we can get 20 units, we are willing to offer a 30% discount off this unit.

If we can get 50 units, we are willing to offer a 40% discount off this unit.

So how much exactly will it cost?

10 unit group buy - the 300mW green portable laser will only be $640
20 unit group buy - the 300mW green portable laser will only be $560
50 unit group buy - the 300mW green portable laser will only be $480

Now for $480, what can you get at *some* laser company? ummm...maybe a stylish looking 100mW laser pointer...

Anyway, if interested, email us at support@skylasers.com! We'll keep everyone updated as to how many customers have signed up. Tis the season to be jolly...

The above prices do not include shipping cost. Shipping within the United States is $12.99. Shipping outside the United States is $24.99.

**I just received word from our manager, each of these portable lasers will ALSO come with a free pair of laser goggles! These are the lowest prices I've ever seen so don't miss out!

I have a 150 mW green coming for review. I hope it beats my first two 200 mW units when they were getting started. DrLava & I sent them a lot of analysis and I think they listened to us and made MAJOR improvements.


Oh Chris --- I paid $32 shipping for my recent review laser 3 days ago.
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Dr. Lava did a GB with these guys waaaay back in the day, I have their old model DPL (P532L-200S), I believe it was rated at about 200mW, but mine peaks at 315mW, and stays stable ~300mW.

I am happy with the quality of the laser, and as opposed to the other Chinese lasers, this one is sturdy and feels great when you hold it. Great heat sinking and design overall left me happy.

Just my little snippet of info,

I have a 150 mW green coming for review. I hope it beats my first two 200 mW units when they were getting started. DrLava & I sent them a lot of analysis and I think they listened to us and made MAJOR improvements.


Oh Chris --- I paid $32 shipping for my recent review laser 3 days ago.

Well hopefully the initial beam diameter had calmed down.

Hopefully. I've read a lot of bad things about Sky, and these price dont seem that good for the quality of laser they provide.

Edit: Epic fail, read this...http://laserpointerforums.com/f55/g...ser-shipping-included-49886-2.html#post690872

So are these winter or summer lasers LMFAO?
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TJ --- I think I posted that on one WARM evening last week, My Sky150 wouldnt go over ~ 60 mW from the start. Mine is a winter laser and I have asked if I can make a summer trade-in. No reply ---yet.

