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SITH 52 build


Feb 5, 2009
By beginning of this year I was so lucky to catch an offer about an MS-SSW host. I desperately wanted a 465nm build so I use that host for it.

However, parallel to that I decided to have a greenie as well, later on. So I started the search for a suitable host.
My requirements were:
- robustness
- efficient heat transfer for long duty cycles
- maintanability (easy teardown and build)
- design (out of the ordinary solutions)
- power throughput (10A switch), low resistance
- 2x 18650 battery support

Most important of these were the heat transfer, power throughput and 18650 battery support.

After searching through the whole forum and requesting offers from valuable members I turned to something new.

A relatively new member named Trinh started to build interesting hosts so I asked him to make me a 2x 18650 brass host.
He agreed so I sent him some money so he could start the manufacturing.

I was not in a hurry because I was accumulating more money for the project. Still, 3 months later there was no sign of my host being made so I started negotiating with him about the deal.

I assume he was having some funding problems because he offered me a redesigned host, different from that one I ordered 3 months before.
Most possibly it was created for somebody else but I liked the new design so I agreed on the new deal.

The host arrived yesterday and now it is time to tell ya my impressions about it.


The host is heavy, very heavy and it feels like a club in my hand.
I am quite sure I can easily kill a person with it in a CQB situation :-)
That is why I named it as SITH.
* Slam in the head *

Basic data:

Length: 242mm
Total weight: 388g
Heatsink weight: 233g
Tailcap switch power support: 10A (at least I hope so, time will tell)
Side switch support: momentary / on-off
Tailcap switch resistance: 0.13ohm
Battery tube resistance: 0.08ohm
Battery support: 2x 18650

Now the good (pros):

- 2 different contact boards with springs
- 2 different side switches (momentary + on/off)
- design
- craftmanship (except the protrusion)

And the bad (cons):

- no o-rings at any thread
- tailcap threads protrude through it (manual lathe, no CNC)
- materials not polished
- no copper insert for 12mm module (just brass)
- brass head instead of aluminium (still OK for my build)

Further observations:

The craftmanship is surprisingly good for a manual lathe, except that one fault with the threads protruding the tailcap. That makes the tailcap a bit ugly when watching closely.

Trinh also provided an aluminium half-valve for heatsinking the driver but I am quite unsure where it can be fixed inside the host ??

Overall, I am satisfied until now. The price of 150USD (including shipping) is reasonable for this product, but still the host could be perfect by just a little more QC (that protrusion, yeah...) and a little polishing.
From a guy who started manufacturing nice hosts just a while ago, I think is acceptable.

Regarding the switches, time will tell how good they are, but in any case, it is not a big deal to exchange any switch in a modular host like this one.

I guess this host will serve me well as a laser handheld and if not still I can use it as an expensive and very dangerous weapon, a nice looking club :-)

The build will continue soon, I am ordering the 520nm diode and driver from DTR.
The Sanwu 3xBE for the project successfully arrived this week (THX Podo)


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Thanks for sharing, icah, be sure and keep us up to date as the build progresses. :yh:

The tailcap wouldn't be showing those threads if the slots were just a bit less deep, all in all, it's a pretty good looking host.

I think that host would really become a looker with some polishing!
Interesting review of your new host. I guess it is premature to congratulate you on it as you haven't yet used it and have concerns about the switch. It looks pretty good from your photos. Good luck on your build.
Hey, I like this. Looking good.

Looks like a good piece of machine work, but i think some design choices in it are a bit questionable:

First of all, why make it out of 2 different metals? It would work at least as well when it was all brass.

And what's up with the aluminium collar at the head that covers the fins of the brass heatsink underneath? That design with slots over the fins impedes convection over a lot of the area. I think the (long term / 100% duty) thermal performance of the whole unit would probably be better with that part left out entirely.

It does look nice though, so if you take that into consideration it may be 'worth it' depending if you care about cosmetics or not.

Also 'brass' is a fairly broad term, it covers many alloys of copper and zinc and often other metals, and the thermal conductivity can vary quite a bit between them.

Pure copper is better from that perspective, but is harder to machine, and is also a lot more sensitive to tarnishing.
Most forms of brass tarnish too. They make a product called Brasso to deal with that. It's been around longer than I have. I have to agree that brass doesn't conduct heat nearly as well as copper, though. I think he was going for esthetics over utility.
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Maybe it's the camera, or maybe it's because the metal isn't polished, but that "brass" looks dark to me. Almost to a bronze color. Not sure about conductivity of bronze but it could affect the build.

Maybe my eyes are just weird and seeing it darker than it really is:p
Nice host, I've trying to get the man who makes those to sell me a couple, he agrees every time I ask for something from him, but then doesn't build it :(
I like the mixed material look and the AL front sleeve which looks like it can be taken off easy:)
I don't know if the tail cap is made in two pieces but thinking the slots were cut a bit deep showing the threads.
Like icha mentioned, the module insert part should have been copper though. O rings should easily be found if you feel the need.

Alaskan, I thought things were kinda in order now?
Thanks for your comments, I will try to overcome the bad points of the host - I'm starting to try out the copper, and things are going well - after sending 10 hosts to Chris I will continue my work
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@Trinh, please provide the type (part number) of the switches you sent to me, or the wiring diagram of them.
Also I am unsure whether they have inbuilt LED.
Do they have three posts? If they do, one is the ground for the LED. The other two are the switch.
I have checked the switch and fortunately it has an inbuilt green LED and is fine
till 12V. No resistor is necessary for it.
Otherwise it has 4 legs, so he other two is surely for switching.

So there is only 1 issue remaining, regarding the build>

I am unsure what current is set in DTR's N520 module + driver solution.
I would order the diode with the driver soldered already but I am unsure of the current
and the heatsink (whether any heatsinking is needed inside the AL module)

And yes, Jordan is not very communicative as always ;-)
