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FrozenGate by Avery

Seeking a builder for 100w pump laser for 532 Sun

Sep 10, 2009
Anyone out there up to building a 532nm Sun for me? If I can provide a 100w Coherent 802nm 5 diode array donut pump laser, a power supply, and the "polished ND Crystal to collimate the Laser Output", who amongst us could/would build it, and how much??? Would require means of cooling to be built into design, as well as housing. I have 1 day 10 hours to make the purchase decision for the diode, so time is of the essence. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this venture.


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afaik, there's no 532nm producing crystal that needs 802nm input... Nd:YVO4/ND:YAG green lasers requiere exactly 808nm
this might be good for building a few kW q-switched YAG laser
No, Nd:YVO4 takes all sorts of IR input. That is its main advantage over YAG. Very few of the pumps on actual greens I've tested use exactly 808. Some are as low as 800, and some are as high as 820.

If they required exactly 808, that means almost none of them would work, since it is virtually impossible to hold a laser diode to such a precise wavelength without active temperature regulation. 808 is simply optimal. It doesn't mean the moment it shifts to 808.1 that the laser stops.
Anyone out there up to building a 532nm Sun for me? If I can provide a 100w Coherent 802nm 5 diode array donut pump laser, a power supply, and the "polished ND Crystal to collimate the Laser Output", who amongst us could/would build it, and how much??? Would require means of cooling to be built into design, as well as housing. I have 1 day 10 hours to make the purchase decision for the diode, so time is of the essence. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this venture.
I think you mean this one:
coherent laser diode donut 100 watt 802 nm Five Array - eBay (item 170616154916 end time Mar-25-11 13:54:09 PDT)
Do you have an idea what you're trying to make? You'd need more than a diode bar, yag rod and a power supply. Cooling for the pump diode and the rod, a stable cavity frame to hold the components in, a mirror set, a KTP or other nonlinear crystal, temperature regulation of the nonlinear crystal, maybe an aperture to select the spatial modes.
I'd love to build it for you, but I haven't build things this big before so it would be a risk, and the additional costs will be high. 1064nm IR output won't need a nonlinear crystal, uses cheaper mirrors and requires less alignment. Still it's definately more than throwing your part list together.
And everybody should refuse to build it if you don't have good knowledge of laser safety. And a "polished ND Crystal to collimate the Laser Output" is not how a laser works.
