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Seeing the beam

May 20, 2007
OK, we all know about smoke/fog and being able to see the beam. And, most of you know that I'm working on a fogscreen for next year's VBS installation. BUT, I got wondering if those were the only ways.

On searching I found a mention of snow...that would be quite pretty. Obviously snow is unpredictable, though.

Confetti -- same idea as snow, and would likely just block the beam entirely instead of showing it the way I want.

Then, I thought of bubbles. Does anyone remember those bubble blowing machines, like they used to use on Lawrence Welk, and more recently at birthday parties? Bubbles might stay in the air long enough, and show up the beam while slowly drifting downward.

Has anyone tried bubbles? I'd be curious to know if the beam shows up, and if so, how well.

-- Chuck Knight

The only thing I would be concerned about with bubbles would be the possibility of reflections off of the surface. I know you will be dealing with low power levels - but I strongly encourage you to test this first ! You will have the green laser, and a few other goodies sent out to you either tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest, Chuck - that way you can test out the bubbles ! I could be WAY off base - as I have never tried that....but better to be safe than sorry !

I've got one of those bubble machines. My son absolutely loves it. I am currently in the process of testing it now. (kiddo's are asleep and i'm bored.)
Kenom said:
I've got one of those bubble machines.  My son absolutely loves it.  I am currently in the process of testing it now.  (kiddo's are asleep and i'm bored.)

Do a vid ! Let's see the results ! (All in the name of science, of course !
Of course! I am blind for science. I really need goggles.
Ummm ok. video created. it's 250+mb. I need to edit it some so I will be back with it very very soon. Nice effect by the way.
Tiny bubbles.....in my WHINE....hehehehehe Just had to ! Looks pretty cool, man....I would say with fog it would be a little bit safer, possibly.....as is - there is a big chance of stray reflections. Don't get me wrong - it looks AWESOME ! NICE EFFECT !
SenKat said:
The only thing I would be concerned about with bubbles would be the possibility of reflections off of the surface. ...but better to be safe than sorry !

Absolutely correct, as always. I just wondered how it would look. I have a VERY tall church, and hoisting one of those little machines up to the top would work pretty well.

Really, for *this* aspect of it, I have a year to work out the kinks. Next year will involve the introduction of beam effects -- this year will just have projection.

Question -- did the beams go straight through the bubbles, or just get "captured" and refracted along their surface? I wasn't sure which would happen.

-- Chuck Knight
if you look on the far wall behind the bubble machine you can see that the beam most assuredly goes right through. A good percentage anyway. There still was a lot of light being reflected around the place. You guys got to see about half of the effects as the camera isnt wide angle enough but it was very cool.
