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FrozenGate by Avery

Sanwu Spiker disassembly

May 30, 2016
I want to know how the copper module should be removed from the spiker. I don't want to twist and tangle wires or rip diode pins off. Does the contact board have to come off to desolder or is there something more clever happening in there?

Got pics of the module? The one on the Silver I used to have looked like it used a pin wrench. Not sure what the Spiker's module looks like though.
I want to know how the copper module should be removed from the spiker. I don't want to twist and tangle wires or rip diode pins off. Does the contact board have to come off to desolder or is there something more clever happening in there?

If it's anything like the pocket series then the whole module, driver and contact board included, screws into the host in one piece.
Like EP said, my late spiker looked like it used a pin wrench. The host assembly inside looked to be a solid piece as well.
Got pics of the module? The one on the Silver I used to have looked like it used a pin wrench. Not sure what the Spiker's module looks like though.
That's not what I am asking about. I see how to unscrew the module out of the outer casing/aluminum heatsink. If the driver is attached to the heatsink module then I need to know how the driver is connected to the contact board before turning the thing out which would take around 50 revolutions.
If it's anything like the pocket series then the whole module, driver and contact board included, screws into the host in one piece.
The contact board is not attached to the heatsink module. It looks glued to the laser body. I know its a host negative laser so there must be something between the contact board and the host to conduct.

I'm hoping the driver is mounted to the heatsink module and that there is a spring on the driver contacting the battery board. That would mean I could just unscrew the heatsink out without destroying anything.
:D I need to do this too, keeping the driver working but removing the diode to replace with a new diode for the Spiker. Did you successfully do this yet?

I was reading that PCB and basically the whole center unit can be submerged in isopropyl alcohol to help get that driver off of there. Is the diode and the copper housing one unit? I can't seem to find a manual for any of these parts and I would love some help on this forum.

I didn't see those little filaments on the diode so when I took the lens off and cleaned it I must have knocked loose 1 or 2 of those filaments, and I'm getting a replacement. Everything has to come out of this heatsink and then go back in.

Sanwu customer service is exceptional and their lasers are so good I must maintain mine and learn more about it :wave:

Sanwu Spiker 7W - NUBM44 Single Mode 455nm
