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Sanwu Pocket: How to fix rattling/loose rear clickly switch

Sep 28, 2009
I just received my first-ever Sanwu laser: a 500mW 445nm Pocket. It's AWESOME and I love it.

I just wondered if there's a way to fix two small things:

1. First, the rear clickly bottom is loose and rattles (it works perfectly, but if I shake it, it rattles. There's obviously no spring pressure again the button itself).

2. I would like to increase the resistance of the focusing head. Anyone know of an easy way to do this?

Thanks so much.

I'm not sure how to fix #1, but some plumbers' tape (thread tape) may help. A quick search on Amazon may help you find what you need! :D
Man, I don't think your going to want to hear this but those are two things know not to be problems with Sanwu's lasers. The threads on their focusing ring are known to be butter smooth and snug/tight, and their buttons work flawlessly and quite. I got a couple and they are just that. I'm thinking you got a bad unit and contact Sanwu about a r&r or replacement? Sorry :(
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I just received my first-ever Sanwu laser: a 500mW 445nm Pocket. It's AWESOME and I love it.

I just wondered if there's a way to fix two small things:

1. First, the rear clickly bottom is loose and rattles (it works perfectly, but if I shake it, it rattles. There's obviously no spring pressure again the button itself).

2. I would like to increase the resistance of the focusing head. Anyone know of an easy way to do this?

Thanks so much.
It's under warranty. Contact Podo.
