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Samsung Gear 360 photos 4/6/18

Aug 3, 2012
Something a little different. All of these pics (except for one) were taken using a Samsung Gear 360 camera. The camera is basically two fisheye lenses back to back with very good stitching software. These pics were saved as "standard" photos, which basically means they are fisheye pics whose perspective was chosen by me after the pic was taken. If you have the Gear360 software, you can view the pics and choose any angle/perspective to view it from. You can view the fisheye photo from any angle and save it as a "Standard" photo. To get decent shots in low light (lasers) I had to make sure the lighting for both sides was exactly the same so the lighting would match up. For both of these sets two rainbows of a 405, 460, 520, 589, & 635nm. One rainbow in each direction to add even more balance. It took a while to figure out the nuances but I now know how to manipulate the camera and its surroundings to get optimal results. The ones in the second batch are more balanced. I also put a few pics from NYC of the World Financial Center and one of the Occulus Transit hub. And all of the pics can be experienced thru the GearVR headset, which puts you in the middle of the pic in virtual reality. So you move your head around ands the picture moves too in any direction. Some of my laser ones when viewed in VR puts you right in the middle of the pic and I can view the photo like I am in the center. Pretty cool stuff! The software also lets you view the photos in different modes, such as 360, Round View, Stretched, Dual View, and Panoramic. The 360 ones here are obvious, here the more abstract ones are Stretched. The camera, if used correctly, can generate some nice results!

test_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

360-5_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

360-3_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

360-4_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

test (3)_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

test (2)_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

test (1)_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

Pic taken with Nikon camera showing Gear360 camera set up for below pics
DSC_3178_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

031618-4_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

031618-3_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

031618-6_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

test (4)_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

Untitled by brucemir, on Flickr

031618-2_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

Untitled by brucemir, on Flickr

Untitled by brucemir, on Flickr

Untitled by brucemir, on Flickr

Untitled by brucemir, on Flickr

That's a real interesting take on your laser shots! I like it! :beer: Some of them almost look like images of magnetic field lines.
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A-1work as usual, Bruce! :beer:
The achitectural ones are very nice also, a nice change of pace. :yh:
:gj: and :kewlpics:
Thanks Diachi, AD, Curtis and Bowtie.
With most of the laser stuff I photograph the 360 camera is not applicable as the lighting won't be balanced and won't look right. But for normal indoor and outdoor lighting it is great. I have a list of places in NYC I will eventually to use it. It is a pain in the rear to use in big public places. The NYC pics here were taken around 6-6:30AM which is why there are not too many people around. I put it on a monopod and hold it above my head so I am in the picture as little as possible. I also use the 5 second timer.
Another toy to play with!
Those are new compared with what you normally do, Bruce. I like the 360* views and the way you used them with the lasers. + Rep.
Hi Paul,
The 360 camera is used for special circumstances for me. When there is a subject that is appropriate for the 360 camera, I will break it out and use it along side of my DLSR. It is a shame that there is no way to post the actual file converted into a sphere that can be spun around in any direction to view the actual photo. I can only do that viewing the pic using the Gear360 software.
That's a real interesting take on your laser shots! I like it! :beer: Some of them almost look like images of magnetic field lines.

What he said ^^^

Very unusual, I like the effect--excellent photos once again from you +rep
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Hi Paul,
The 360 camera is used for special circumstances for me. When there is a subject that is appropriate for the 360 camera, I will break it out and use it along side of my DLSR. It is a shame that there is no way to post the actual file converted into a sphere that can be spun around in any direction to view the actual photo. I can only do that viewing the pic using the Gear360 software.

I have heard this before. I haven't had the equipment to take any 360* views, so I have no hands on experience with it.
WOOWOO, Bruce! What a phenomenal use of color and perspective. Thanks again for finding new ways to view our beautiful world. Please Take Care. +Rep!! :gj:

Thanks BobMc and cyberdoc!
I will eventually set up some more laser scenarios to optimize the 360 camera. With the warm weather coming I have plenty of places to use it, especially in NYC.

cyberdoc - I see in your signature you ordered a 488nm Pocket. I also ordered one and was lucky enough to purchase it before they raised the price. I have been photographing my 473nm, 495nm and 505nm quite a bit recently and I can't wait to add a 488nm into the mix. Here's a few of them

DSC_3699_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_3702_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_3322_resize by brucemir, on Flickr
Love these new photos, Bruce. On those Sanwu 488nm lasers, they are using the same Sharp diodes that have measured between 486.9nm and 493nm. I think the 488nm claim is likely just a sales ploy to sell these same diodes that could end up anywhere from the lowest to the highest. Of the 23 diodes I have measured the largest number are at or above 490nm. If they are selling them as 488nm lasers I could measure the wavelength for anyone who wants to know what it is actually outputting.

Say, in that last photo, are those ibuprofen gel caps that you used to make it?
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Love that last series of photos, Bruce. :beer:
I'm glad I checked back in to your thread, I almost missed these beauties. I see that you can even make drug capsules looks cool with laser beams! :yh:
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