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Safty Glasses for outside use?

Jun 5, 2014
I searched around and couldn't find a definitive answer. If I'm lets say using a 1w 445nm laser outside and pointing it at the sky, at trees, at the ground, and at traffic LOL JK. Would I need to wear safety glasses. If I don't wear safety glasses are their any risks involved when lasing outside?

There are obviously always risks associated with using lasers.

However if you shine the laser at a far away surface there shouldn't be any problem with the diffuse reflection.

Like you said there is no one definitive answer. However if you only shine the laser at far away surfaces, you should be fine.

Just do whatever feels comfortable for your eyes!
Take it easy.
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If you don't shine it at anything up too close or at a reflective surface then no you don't need them.
There are obviously always risks associated with using lasers.

However if you shine the laser at a far away surface there shouldn't be any problem with the diffuse reflection.

Like you said there is no one definitive answer. However if you only shine the laser at far away surfaces, you should be fine.

Just do whatever feels comfortable for your eyes!
Tale it easy.

Alright sounds good.
What they said, just watch out for street signs those things are REALLY reflective.
Up in the sky there is like zero chance you would hit something and it would reflect back so i would say no glasses needed but be careful when shining on ground etc, you never know whats laying there and signs and that you should avoid totally and not draw yourself more attention then needed, cause a laser powerful like that you should worry that cops might see it and react..
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