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FrozenGate by Avery

Safety Glasses

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I logged back on after seeing your last post.
Wouldn't you think a 7W laser is basicly 7 times stronger than a 1W laser??
If you can't get over the fact of having a 1mm gap with your safety glasses, then you shouldn't be thinking of cutting thin metal..
If you didn't see the beam of your 1.5W laser with your glasses off, which i'm sure you did try without glasses, then your laser isn't 1.5W..
The OP should not own a laser of any kind from all of the idiot level questions posted----is just little child mentality accident looking for a place to happen is my guess or someone with serious problems much bigger than lasers.
No adult member has ever ask the same type of questions obsessively and adding more ridiculous "should I" questions that nobody can answer over and over again when a young child could easily discern the answers without asking 10 times in ten ways about the same thing.

All of it leads to the Troll impression actually---which may be the case actually.
Could partially be a language gap if the OP's native language is not English
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Look i actually asked can the glare of 7 watt blue laser or maybe looking at beam while its pointed toward the sky can damage eyes if its 7 watt laser?can it cut thin metal though i just wanna try that my current one cant though i did burn a small hole into my wooden door with this though ( that was when i got it for first time 3 months back it was quite an epic moment though).yeah well honestly i have obession with laser. I owned few green lasers i learned that i could get this strong blue laser for very cheap price from ebay.yeah i see beam without glasses but i never saw laser with glasses off sometime i did when i pointed it at sky.I want to see it burn stuff i want to see that blue laser burn stuff like is that possible?with glasses i just see orange light a a little blue glare from 1-2mm gap which looks cool though.Honestly i was not trolling and i am 21 actually.And these are my last questions after that i wont bother anyone with this topic sorry if i am bothering anyone...
Since the others seem to have run out of patience to answer your questions, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and provide you with some information. However, because you are asking such basic questions about laser safety, I would recommend that you do some research to protect yourself - there is a large wealth of information on this forum accessible with a simple search. After all, your eyes do not heal from optical damage. Once the damage is done, it is permanent. Please treat and use lasers with respect.

First, looking at the *dot* of a >500mW laser can cause permanent damage to your eyes. This is called diffuse reflection (a laser bouncing off of a mirror or other reflective surface would be called a spectral reflection - for a direct/reflected hit into your eyes, anything >5mW can cause permanent damage). The reason you see a laser beam in midair is not caused by this same phenomenon - it is due to Rayleigh scattering (or particulates in the air in the case of dense fog or dust - think nightclubs). Assuming you are not using your laser in a densely particulate area, at the range of watts, looking at a laser beam (that is not directed towards you) will not hurt your eyes. It is also not strong enough to vaporize/"cut" metal. Something more like 100W properly focused would be able to. Thus, in theory, it is safe to shine a 7 watt blue laser into the sky without laser goggles on. However, if a bug happens to fly into that beam... now you've inadvertently looked at the laser's dot, so that bug may have just given you permanent eye damage. It has happened before.

Since you are primarily dealing with a high-powered blue laser, if you notice that your vision is yellow-tinged after using your blue laser, it is possible that you have damaged your eyes with blue laser light. For a green laser, a red tinge would be your warning call. A direct shot into your eyes with a >500mW laser is likely to cause immediate blindness, or at least, a hole in your vision, immediately. This is a medical emergency, as the resulting inflammation from the vaporized spot on your retina may cause the retina to detach off of the eye, resulting in total blindness and pressure/fluid buildup behind the eye, which can lead to a whole slew of other complications. While we are on the subject, I will add that laser goggles are meant to protect you from an *accidental* exposure to the direct laser beam. This means that if you deliberately look directly into the laser with your goggles on, you will still end up blinded. Why? Because the laser melted through your goggles and went into your eyes. Please be careful. Hope this helps
No, you can not cut metal with a 7W hand held laser pointer.
If you spent 20 seconds searching Google you would have a grip on the reality your imaginations imagined "cutting" daydreams.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_cutting

You would be much better off in terms of "burning things" with a box of kitchen matches.

Yes a 7 watt deliver more energy to a target but it will not cut plywood or metal.
7W will be extremely dangerous---just a small fraction of a second --much less than the blink of an eye of direct hit to an eye or eyes can cause permanent cause eye damage

PS FYI: A laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles). A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature. "Heat" is caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy.
Depends upon the ability of the target to absorb and convert the light energy to heat.
Ok thanks for the help i think i should stick with 1.5 watt one at least for sometime and well yeah dont worry i dont look at laser except i just record it and watch it usually with my camera been doing it for 2 months now it still looks quite good this way thanks for answering the questions i did not even use the laser outside yet just inside though just dont feel like using it its just too powerful for that i usually use my green laser at night time outside they are well better for that purpose i guess and they look really bright aswell during night time and theyare more safer then the blue one so i can use them with more peace of mind.Last time i looked at blue laser beam it was 5 weeks ago but that was really bright imo i did not look at the blue beam again because i just did not feel like it.I just usually use it for burning but i was thinking why those ebay sellers actually post fake listings?i saw lots of listings of the same laser i actually got (not from the seller who sold me but like 60-70% actually suggests u can use this laser for presentation) thats really bad idea even and some says u can use it to play around with ur cat...for someone who does not know how dangerous laser can be and ends up buying and gets by reflected beam ( the glasses they gave with lasers were cheap they did not block blue light properly and some just went through..it can end up blinding someone so why nobody at ebay actually takes action about that?at least sellers should mention on ebay that this thing can blind u but they actually suggests to use this laser in class presentation and for playing around with ur cat and use it as laser pointer which is the last thing anyone should do with it as it can mostly burn anything from 8-10 feet.Btw if anyone know which model i have been using its the copy of arctic spyder iii got it for 55$ with aluminium case,batteries,glasses and charger which is really cheap for 55$ without the extra stuff laser costs around 36$-40$ though.
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Most drop ship ebay sellers couldn't care less about other's safety..
Unfortunately it's ALL about the money.. These sellers don't even have these lasers in their possession to even check these glasses, nor would they still care if they checked them...... and why am I even replying at this point??? :unsure:
Most drop ship ebay sellers couldn't care less about other's safety..
Unfortunately it's ALL about the money.. These sellers don't even have these lasers in their possession to even check these glasses, nor would they still care if they checked them...... and why am I even replying at this point??? :unsure:

Good points.
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