its all the smack they spend it on i bet everyone in the gov has a drug problem :crackup::crackup: actually there is quite a bit more than 300m now but still damn give me my money obama
Hmm, now that I think about it, I did get a check from the bush plan... don't remember how much it was... wasn't much, but it was something in my pocket... as opposed to some nebulous greater good of infrastructure.
The single biggest problem with the government we have, is the lack of accountability.
Imagine if an official online voting system was setup. If you get 30 million voters to agree that someone f*cked up, a death squad goes after said person.
I'm betting that would cause some changes.
Of course that's a rather extreme approach. Unfortunately in the meantime the political system is setup in such a way as to make government immune to votes.
Research redistricting... it's use effectively nullifies votes. I who the hell thought it was a good idea to allow politicians to choose who votes for them.
It's akin to allowing people to select a jury of their friends and family when going on trial... invalidates the whole process.
If there was a serious need to jump start the economy... how about ending a couple of wars... such as say on drugs and terrorism. Would pump trillions in fast.
No matter how much time I spend discussing the problems, it always seems to boil down to accountability... or lack there of. I mean think about it, if there was ZERO risk of you getting pulled over for speeding... would you speed? At first maybe not, but eventually you would. All the time.
There is currently a discussion in congress over whether insider trading by congressional members is ok or not. Obviously he's a fictional character, but let's imagine how Gordon Gecko would regulate himself.... he wouldn't.
Governments should fear their citizens. Not the other way around.