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FrozenGate by Avery

Replacing a laser on a module


New member
Mar 30, 2020
Really brief question (hopefully)

taking the following product:

Whats the likely hood of being able to replace the LD to maybe a red green or blue LD. I ask as this is a cheap kit that contains a driver, heatsink and fan!

Thank you!

This has a LD in it. It's a 808nm which you won't see but will certainly blind you..
They have red and greens already for close to the same price in this labby fan cooled form.:)
If you are looking for an RGB laser, why not buy that one. You can get one with the driver for all three diodes for ~$50.00. That is a good deal. And each has TTL modulation inputs already in place.
Really brief question (hopefully)

taking the following product:

Whats the likely hood of being able to replace the LD to maybe a red green or blue LD. I ask as this is a cheap kit that contains a driver, heatsink and fan!

Thank you!

Hi, Take the advise from GSS and Paul and buy another , it will be better in a long run for you.
