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FrozenGate by Avery

Red vs Green question

Jan 24, 2007
So, I have a WL 75mW green, and a WL 100mW red. The green one can pop balloons instantly, but the red one can't pop them at all! Does the green just have better burning power, or does it have to do with the divergence, or what?

I am using blue balloons with a black marker dot...

Your red 100mw will pop balloons at a distance of 15-20 feet the laser must be steady as a rock and so must the balloon. My 100mw has popped balloons at 45 feet with fresh batteries. Give it a try beefygt. Pulsars seem to find their sweet spot at these distances of 15-20 feet rather than close up. This is because the beam is wider than the greens. Just try and experiment a bit as not all pulsars are all the same.
The reds I built have focus rings and markings like an old camera.
I use green balloons for the red lasers. If the color gets too thin, then the old sharpie trick. (Tell the audience that you need a small mark to shoot at !!)

Just put some fresh batteries in my P100, and wow! :o

Sure enough, it can pop balloons from 30 feet away! ;D ;D ;D

Thanks Timelord
Beefygt said:
Just put some fresh batteries in my P100, and wow!  :o

Sure enough, it can pop balloons from 30 feet away!  ;D ;D ;D

Thanks Timelord
No problem young man hop your having fun now ;)
