T-red irregular, investigated the brigade commander
The equipment seized four assumptions: Agreements
are illegal firms
Claudia Benatti
Vignola. Maxi investigation in Italy throughout the guard
Finance in Milan on speed cameras and red T-: 29 municipalities
"Indicted", including Vignola. Four companies
specialist and 17 officials are accused of
have handled the negotiations for the award of
supply of machinery. Recipient of one of
notices of investigation is the police commander
Municipal Vignola.
There are four specialized companies "decapitated" by
Finance: the directors were in fact achieved
yellow flames yesterday, three are over arrests
house, one in jail, the orders
custody. The charges against those arrested
are the conspiracy and the disruption
public procurement. According to the finance, there would be
handling of contracts and negotiations were private in 29
Common in Italy. In some cases, again according to
accusations made by the yellow flames, in agreement with the
public administrators, were invited to think
private treaty for the award of supply
cameras or camera only to affiliated enterprises
sign that those arrested are accused of
managed. In other cases, however, were apparently placed
in the tender requirements which effectively exclude the
businesses outside the cartel. According to the yellow flames,
some municipalities remunerating suppliers with a
percentage of fines that were high.
Among the municipalities where finance has denied the charges is
Vignola and also to one of the recipients of the 17
notices of investigation is the police commander
Municipal Vignola, Fabio Venturelli, responsible
private negotiation for installation in the city of
machinery for the detection of infringements
traffic light. Four appliances were
seized, two in the village of broth and two in
city, one in front of the school campus on the freeway and
a school crossing Calvino. 'Light to
soon all of us things are in order and we have not
never paid a percentage of the company - says the mayor
Roberto Adani - we only paid the rental fee
and after the first year we bought the machines. "
Source: T-red irregolari, indagato il comandante dei vigili | Gazzetta di Modena
sorry for off topic but I am not a criminal
The equipment seized four assumptions: Agreements
are illegal firms
Claudia Benatti
Vignola. Maxi investigation in Italy throughout the guard
Finance in Milan on speed cameras and red T-: 29 municipalities
"Indicted", including Vignola. Four companies
specialist and 17 officials are accused of
have handled the negotiations for the award of
supply of machinery. Recipient of one of
notices of investigation is the police commander
Municipal Vignola.
There are four specialized companies "decapitated" by
Finance: the directors were in fact achieved
yellow flames yesterday, three are over arrests
house, one in jail, the orders
custody. The charges against those arrested
are the conspiracy and the disruption
public procurement. According to the finance, there would be
handling of contracts and negotiations were private in 29
Common in Italy. In some cases, again according to
accusations made by the yellow flames, in agreement with the
public administrators, were invited to think
private treaty for the award of supply
cameras or camera only to affiliated enterprises
sign that those arrested are accused of
managed. In other cases, however, were apparently placed
in the tender requirements which effectively exclude the
businesses outside the cartel. According to the yellow flames,
some municipalities remunerating suppliers with a
percentage of fines that were high.
Among the municipalities where finance has denied the charges is
Vignola and also to one of the recipients of the 17
notices of investigation is the police commander
Municipal Vignola, Fabio Venturelli, responsible
private negotiation for installation in the city of
machinery for the detection of infringements
traffic light. Four appliances were
seized, two in the village of broth and two in
city, one in front of the school campus on the freeway and
a school crossing Calvino. 'Light to
soon all of us things are in order and we have not
never paid a percentage of the company - says the mayor
Roberto Adani - we only paid the rental fee
and after the first year we bought the machines. "
Source: T-red irregolari, indagato il comandante dei vigili | Gazzetta di Modena
sorry for off topic but I am not a criminal