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Red, green, or violet?

Aug 17, 2008
Which do you think is the best: A 100mW violet, a 100mW green, or a 250mW red laser?

(Sorry for the weak poll, I just want to know what people think.)


I am a fan of green because of its brightness. Green is why I got in to lasers and it is still my favorite color. Red is fun because it is cheap but it isn't that bright, and blu-ray is cool because of all of the tricks you can do with it, but the color is so hard to decipher with my eyes so it is useless as a pointer, so green is my favorite. I like the brightness/power ratio of green compared to other colors.
I should really look into a green that puts out more than 5mW! They do sound pretty cool. I wonder how my eyes will handle Blu-ray.

