Re: red and green wl lasershades interest gauge
Okay - NOW Since there has been shown a HUGE interest in these little gems....What I suggest (If you care, that is ! LOL) is you buy the red lasershades, and the green lasershades - more red than green though - and get them in ! IF you want - I can/and/or/will act as middle for this - they can be put up on my sales page, and I can either send you a MO or bank check direct once the funds are all deposited....Google Checkout charges no fees right now, so you would keep all the fundage for yourself. The only thing I would want out of hte deal is of course the postage costs to send them all out ! BUT you can have Wicked send them all to me, direct rather than them going to you, then you posting them to me, etc...up to you, 100 % but it would save you a few bucks (most likely close to $20) in pay-pal fees if you do it this way. OR you can bypass me totally - and setup a goggle checkout thingy for yourself, and run with it- it takes about 5 business days to get all setup - they deposit a few cents in your bank account, etc to start off with, and verify, step is in your court, but it looks like it is a go, 100% Feel free to email me at : if you wish, and we can discuss the particulars, I can help you get it all setup, or if you setup a google account, I can even host your purchase button on my site if you like - happy to help out ! I do have PLENTY of postage boxes, etc here - they are free from the post office, and I thought I would run out - so I order a shit load of stuff from them...I now have enough supplies to ship about 1,000 packages of various sizes ! LOL !! I kinda went overboard a bit