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FrozenGate by Avery

Recently back into lasers!

Nov 16, 2008
I've had multiple accounts on here since back in 2008 and have been visiting ever so often to see the new toys and prices. I am not familiar with the new companies so I'd love to get a recommendation on my next purchase.

I want an affordable (less than $50) , reliable, and visible green laser that runs off double or triple A's.
What is my best option? O-like, ray-foss, or something i haven't heard of?!?! I'm thinking at least 30mw

Welcome back. In case you do not know, having multiple accounts is against the rules and you might be ban
ehh, no big deal i think i deleted them anyways. if so i can always make a new account ;)

i live in the usa, does olike and rayfoss ship here still?
To be honest I would just go to eBay and pick up a "laser 301" off a Chinese vendor. They are usually at least 50mw plus IR and will do most of what you want to do. They run off a single 18650(usually).
So you can get the laser a battery and a decent charger for under 50 bucks.
You can usually find them for around 8 bucks. A quality 18650 might cost you around 10. And a nitecore i2 might be around 15 I think? Also you should be able to find a vendor that is shipping from within the US so you can get it fairly fast.

Just remember to wear your safety glasses while burning things. And don't point at aircraft!
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A quality 18650 might cost you around 10. And a nitecore i2 might be around 15 I think? Also you should be able to find a vendor that is shipping from within the US so you can get it fairly fast.

I would recommend going with Battery Junction. I've bought multiple times from them and have yet to see any cheaper prices anywhere else, plus shipping is normally 2-3 days(they are located on the East Coast) which ain't too bad for $4!

Use code "THANKU5" for a 5% discount :)

Nitecore UM20 Li-ion Battery Charger -2 bay


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if 50$ is your budget then you can get a nice pen from laserbtb

532nm pointer 80mW for example for 39$ + shipping i think it will be around 50$ or so and the beam will be very visible at nights. and it runs on 2 AAA batteries.

LP 515nm 532nm 1-150
Go with what Mortuus says and there's also a 6% off coupon code here somewhere. Everyone of the pens I have from them is over-spec including the 80mW one he mentions. For a couple bucks more you can get a white one for something a bit different. Will run on AAA, AAA lithium and single 10440 with spacer with each increase in voltage resulting in a higher output (do so at your own risk). I believe the duty cycle is 100 seconds on, 30 seconds off. Best AAA based classy looking pen for your $50. There are other options at that same output that may be better quality (or not) but their prices are way out of your $50.
There is another option. You can get a pulsed 532nm pen at 50mW for the same price. The button will select between continuous, pulsed (at 2 cycles per second) and off for a few bucks more than the regular 50mW one with the same white option and be under $50 with shipping.
LP pulsed 532nm 635nm
