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FrozenGate by Avery

Re: rough power calculation using % efficiency?


May 23, 2007
Re: rough power calculation using % efficiency?

Jon, your numbers may be close, and I cannot verify any of the data as I do not have a power meter. But what I do know for a fact is that LD response is usually nonlinear. It's a curve that depends on both voltage and current. With it having a max efficiency and max drive corresponding to max life. The 80mW output is the max life output for the 1236. This is the point at which it would be safe to run it in a lab module and have it output that indefinitely. Efficiency is not necessarily constant across the curve at all. Controlling the current and giving it some extra voltage then allows it to choose what voltage it wants and then operate at the best possible efficiency.

Just my $0.02 :)


Re: rough power calculation using % efficiency?

Jon -

What DDL says may seem like a cop-out BUT -- Voltage to the LD vs current is non-linear at the top end. Power output vs current tends to be somewhat linear in the mid-range of the diode ---- BUT AGAIN ---- things get touchy at the upper limits where we go here.
This is why no one gives real true absolute numbers here because YMMV with your LD.

