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FrozenGate by Avery


Jul 23, 2013
Hi, I had a question in which I discovered tonight. It was pretty dark/cloudy day at my place and was playing with my 150mw Green laser pointer pointing it at the sky ( No airplanes/helicopters were there. Clear Skies ) and couldn't help to notice, but I could see my laser beam dot in the clouds? Just as if I were pointing it at a wall or something close. I don't know what that means? The clouds are close? It is hitting the clouds? Lol. So yeah was just curious about that and see if anyone knew any reasons why.

Thank you

*Edit I added a pic to show ^.^


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The cloud deck could ve really low. We had a storm roll in today and ceilings were 250ft. So from ground to clouds was only 250ft. So depending on where you live and weather conditiins ypu may have had a low cloud deck or fog/mist layer roll in on ya
Hi, I had a question in which I discovered tonight. It was pretty dark/cloudy day at my place and was playing with my 150mw Green laser pointer pointing it at the sky ( No airplanes/helicopters were there. Clear Skyies ) and couldn't help to notice, but I could see my laser beam dot in the clouds? Just as if I were pointing it at a wall or something close. I don't know what that means? The clouds are close? It is hitting the clouds? Lol. So yteah was just curious about that and see if anyone knew any reasons why.

Thank you

Yeah it really is hitting the clouds. A 150mw green is very bright and maybe yours is even overspec. With some green lasers you can shine it at a hill or mountain or something a couple of miles away and still see the dot. Those clouds may have been several thousand feet up.
Yeah, thanks guys for the info, makes sense. Where I live is really close to the ocean as well. Maybe that's part of the factor
Yeah, thanks guys for the info, makes sense. Where I live is really close to the ocean as well. Maybe that's part of the factor

I know the feeling :)

I was just telling my coworker the other day that shining a poweful green laser in the sky makes one feel like they are living in a small fishbowl...it seems to hit the top of the bowl so quickly.
I know the feeling :)

I was just telling my coworker the other day that shining a poweful green laser in the sky makes one feel like they are living in a small fishbowl...it seems to hit the top of the bowl so quickly.

Yeah amazing what lasers can do these days
